Service & Job Management

The Service & Job Management page contains an overview of all services and jobs being monitored at the moment.

overview de

The page comprises of the following subsections and functions:

Critical jobs

critical jobs de

This section displays the jobs that are currently in a critical state. A click on the job name highlights the job in the table accordingly.


filter de

This section provides means to filter the service/jobs table according to specific attributes. These include:

  • Service name

  • Service Type

  • Service URL

  • Service Availability

  • Job Name

  • Job Category

  • Job Request

Simply select a filter type and start typing a phrase in the input field. The filter is applied immediately and the matching attributes are highlighted.

Hit the Escape key to reset the filter and show all services again.


menu de

The menu section comprises of several entries:

add Service

Register a new service to be monitored by the application

add Server batch registration

Provide an map.apps app or ArcGIS for Server REST Url to completely monitor an instance

add Notification template

Create a new Notification template defining how, when and on what channels you like to be notified.

add Monitoring template

Create a new Monitoring template defining when and how often services shall be monitored.

Service typey

show Service and jobs filtered by their type A click onto a host filters the current view to that host group.

Host Groups

A comprehensive overview about all host being targeted by monitoring. A click onto a host filters the current view to that host group.

change user User Management

Opens the security.manager to work with the user management. This option is only visible to users owning the role sM_Administrator.

report All notification templates

Gives you access to all available notification templates.

report All monitoring templates

Gives you access to all available monitoring templates.

report Show request history

Gives you access to list of all request sent by service.monitor

report Export (including data)

Creates an export of all services and templates A click on including data also exports the collected monitoring data.

add Data import

Import of services, templates and data

The menu options to (batch) register services only become visible if you’ve already created templates (monitoring & notification) such services can refer to.

Server Batch registration

Batch registration is a convenient way to automatically create new monitored service instances derived from MapServices and FeatureServices available on an ArcGIS for Server instance or services referenced in an con terra map.apps instance.

ArGIS for Server
con terra map.apps
con terra security.manager Enforcement Points
  • Please provide an url to administration webapp, i.e. (if both products are not operated on the same host, it is necessary to allow access to the REST service, see configuration value security.allowed.hostnames in security.manager)

  • Please also specify the templates to be used for notifications and monitoring.

  • The checkbox allows the specification about sending notifications about the creation of each individual job.

Data export / data import

The data export/import is primarily used to transfer services and their collected data from one monitor instance to another instance. Please note that all objects (monitoring, notification templates as well as services and jobs, but also export data) are exported with their IDs and must not already exist in the database when imported. The existence of duplicate IDs is checked by service.monitor before the import.

Service & Job List

list de

The content section lists all monitored jobs and services that are visible to the user along with a number of attributes and functions. These include:




Service health


A percentage value displaying the actual health state of the service (see info panel below).

flag y flag tr flag r flag g

The status of a service job being monitored is displayed using a traffic light system.


The service or job gives a valid response to the defined request. The green light is also displayed when at least the average availability is attained, since the service/job is functioning.


No results are available that can be evaluated. For instance the job may still be within the deactivation period.


The service job currently responds with an error; the request is not being responded to correctly.


By clicking this icon a linear diagram is shown that depicts the response times of the last 10 requests of this job.


Wobbler indicating latest monitoring activity.


Button to toggle monitoring activity on all jobs of this service.

checkbox (Job)

Enable this check box to mark this job for further actions (see below).


Service name

The service name is displayed on top of each row. Here: "join"

power power y

Button to toggle monitoring activity on this job.

checkbox (Service)

Enable this check box to mark this service for further actions (see below).

Job name

The single job names belonging to a service are listed below the service name. Here: "static - http get - ping"


Service type

The type of the service being monitored Here: "AGIS_MAP_REST"

Job category

The job category that has been selected for each job. Here: <no category>


Service URL

The base URL of the service instance. Here: "…​"

Query string

The HTTP GET query string that is sent along with the job request. Here: "/?f=pjson".



Deletes the service entirely, along with any associated job.


Opens the job’s detail page.


Open the job’s edit page. The edit page also allows to edit the according service as well.


Immediately triggers the execution of a job.


Sorting & Hyperlinks

You can sort any column of the content section in ascending or descending order by clicking on the head labels

Availability, Service, Type, URL.

You can also click the service URL or a job’s HTTP GET request to open up a new browser window following that URL or request.

Understanding service health measurement

It’s quite hard to find a common understanding of how a comparable number of a job’s service quality can be defined and of course there may be different approaches available when to indicate a service is performing worse than another.

Currently the "health" value of a service is calculated by calculating the average health value of all public jobs of this service. The health of a job here is determined by the average health of the last historized monitoring request set in relation to the response time value which has been defined by the job creator.

However service.monitor offers extension points to change the health calculation by custom code. Please ask for professional services if you have specific needs.

Additional actions on multiple services or jobs:: Statistics, Delete item(s), Toggle job execution

further actions


This function is for selecting the jobs which are of relevance or interest to a graphical statistical evaluation. Following this, it is necessary to first select the check boxes of the jobs you want to evaluate and then click the Statistics button.

Delete item(s)

Batch delete of selected services and/or jobs.

Toggle job execution

Toogles the execution status of all selected services.