Release Content

The release folder of service.monitor Analytics contains the two main folders "web" and "elasticsearch":


The .war file in this folder contains the service.monitor Analytics web application which must be deployed as a Tomcat web context (see next chapter).
The .jar file contains the service.monitor Analytics bundles for map.apps and must be uploaded to your map.apps installation as new bundles.

The service-log folder contains files that allow integration with other con terra products.


This folder contains necessary configuration files for configuring and operating the elasticsearch stack. This comprises:

  • elasticsearch configuration options

  • Logstash data pipelines for Analytics

  • Kibana Dashboards, Queries and Widgets

  • Filebeat configuration

Since version 4.4 the software components Elasticsearch and Logstash are no longer part of the delivery. Please download them and Kibana from or get it from your package manager.