
This page contains the following sections:

Analytics (4.2.0)



Check vulnerability and prevent from XXE exploits


Add support for non-EPSG:3857-SRSes to Heatmap-Widget


Provide /ping endpoint for external monitoring purposes


[Multiple-Dashboard-Configs] Make it configurable that a selector state is reseted during dashboard change


[Dashboard Widgets] Refresh Button should show if an update happens


Simplify dashboard configurations available with the product release


Support distinct and individually identifiable user session w/ Analytics on map.apps



Bundles not compressed in release 4.1.0


[usagelog-api] legend printing with usage log api inside app not possible


Heatmap initialization fails in FF47


[Compatibility] Adjust Bundle-StartLevel to be compatible to map.apps 3.5.x and later



Support the Analytics Heatmap in different Reference Systems


Harden Input-Parameter-Parsing when using HeatMap-Widget

Monitoring (4.2.0)



Support Paging-, Ordering- and Filter-Parameters on REST interface


Remove "Availability Rule" from product


Provide /ping endpoint for external monitoring purposes


Check vulnerability and prevent from XXE exploits


Allow filtering on service type level (via server query)


Introduce ServiceType "con terra Application Generic Ping Endpoint"


Introduce ServiceType "ElasticSearch Cluster"


Introduce ServiceType "ArcGIS Server Health Check"


Introduce Slack as transport channel for notifications


Allow for user-defined time periods when creating reports and statistics



Monitoring of map.apps /apps-Endpoint fails due to missing Accept-Header


QueryData-SampleRequest creation fails for MapServer with GroupLayer on id=0


Trailing slashes are removed from request URLs


Improve Service Title derivation from secured AGS MapServer (using old URL pattern)



Let the user decide to delete monitoring data when changing a service url


Replace /monitor/rest/ with /monitor/resources to align with solution platform design