Release Notes 4.3

What’s New

Print dashboards

Since this version the current dashboard view can be printed. Analysis results can thus also serve as a source of information outside the application. The print layout is implemented as map.apps template. This means that the print preview can be optimized by means of the still functional selectors until the desired result is available. The Questions Dashboards have been optimized for DIN A4 format printing, and we recommend the creation of dedicated print dashboards for specially formatted output.

map.apps 4 support

map.apps 4 is based on the new Esri JavaScript API 4. Since this version, basic support has been provided for activity recording in Analytics, especially for activities oriented to the cards. The next version of map.apps (presumably version 4.2.1) will be able to capture map.apps 4 card events. The differentiation of 3D/2D map views can be queried in the events.

View of EventStreams (experimental)

The graphical representation of a large number of events on a dashboard provides a new way of accessing information about the order in which the logged events occur. The EventStream can help to investigate the acceptance of workflows of apps optimized for a specific purpose. This feature is initially available in an experimental state, based on your experiences and wishes, further changes should be realized. Using EventStreams in a specific context may require an extended configuration of the product. Please contact us to discuss possible support services.

New and improved widgets

The date widget now allows you to specify concrete date values in order to optimize the query day to meet your analysis requirements. In conjunction with the new histogram widget, new insights into the collected data are possible. The histogram widget allows the aggregation of values to a certain time unit (e.g. number of app starts of a year aggregated on a monthly basis). This allows statements to be made about the temporal course of the recorded data.

Expectations for monitoring

Expectations define user-defined expectations for the server response of a monitoring job. This means that individual and very specific checks, tailored to your own service landscape, can be configured quickly and easily.

Notifications to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has been added as a further notification channel for monitoring.

Introduction of an integrated authentication mode (since Monitoring 4.3.3)

The monitoring component now dispenses with the packaged delivery of the so-called "embedded" security.manager and instead provides an integrated authentication option for customers who have not licensed security.manager. The integrated authentication is a lightweight alternative and provides a default user ("monitor") for use. Please contact con terra Support for alternatives, if desired.

Integration with security.manager is done manually after installation, similar to the other products.

Apache Tomcat 9.0 Support (since Monitoring 4.3.3)

The current release now supports Apache Tomcat 9.0 in addition to Apache Tomcat 8.5, officially ending support for Apache Tomcat 7.

OpenJDK/OpenJRE 8 Support (since Monitoring 4.3.3)

The current release now supports OpenJDK/OpenJRE 8 in addition to Oracle JDK/JRE 8.

Update Notes

This section lists all changes to be considered when performing updates.

Adjusting the database tables

By extending the monitoring by service expectations, two new tables have to be created for existing installations. Please note the SQL update scripts that are located in the folder update of the SQL directory of the installation package for monitoring.

More strict SSL connection validation (since Monitoring 4.3.3)

With version 4.3.3 there is by default a more strict validation of HTTP SSL connections in place (sue to security reasons). service.monitor will deny connections to those servers which provide an untrusted, invalid or self-signed certificate. service.monitor will also send a notification once a certificate is not valid. This is also true for those (valid) certificates which are not included in the Java Virtual Machine’s keystore of your Servlet Container. Please see the documentation for importing these.

This behavior can be overridden by configuration options. See chapters Common configuration options and SSL configuration options of the installation guide.

Configuration changes

Manual adjustment of the mail subject

Using the configuration values and mail.subject.en, prefixes can now be defined in the file, which precede the usual mail subject.

Deprecated Features

The following features are regarded as deprecated and may be removed in future:


  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2

  • Support for monitoring Esri ArcSDE Application Server instances due to Esri’s roadmap on Java SDE API.

  • Support for Standard sdi-Style in service.monitor Monitoring. This style will be replaced fully by everlasting-Style

  • Support for Standard inspire-Style in service.monitor Monitoring.

  • Apache Tomcat 7.0 / 8.0 (will be replaced by support for Apache Tomcat 8.5 and 9)

Known Limitations


The following list contains issues and notes known at the date of release of version 4.3 of service.monitor Analytics

Issue Component Description


User Interface - UI behaves slowly when using Internet Explorer 9 / 10

Due to slow javascript processing the user interface behaves slowly when using the product with Internet Explorer 9 or Internet Explorer 10.

For an optimal user experience we recommend to use the most current version of Google Chrome / Chromium.


Dashboard Printing using Firefox browser omits some widgets

When printing dashboards using Firefox browser certain widgets are not being printed in the effective output although they are visible in print preview.

We recommend to use Chrome browser for printing as it provides the best output. Alternatively - when being fixed to Firefox browser - we recommended to create additional dashboards with less widgets for printing purposes. May be linked to


Histograms do not show all values of a time period if the number of aggregated hits at the margins is 0.

In certain cases, the histograms display fewer bars than the selected time period would indicate if the aggregation values at the (time) edges of the query are 0.


Upload of Analytics-Bundles fails for map.apps version <= 3.7

Workaround: Unpack the bundle jar file and rezip it with a normal zip tool. Then, upload the newly created file.


Provisioning of means to monitor INSPIRE Quality of Service requirements (SRVMON-88)

INSPIRE’s Quality of Service requirements have evolved during the past few years and now make some more flexible assumptions on how request shall be sent to the instance under monitoring and how the response of those instances shall be interpreted correctly. For INSPIRE View Services the GetMap request shall make use of varying BoundingBoxes and a blank response image cannot be considered as valid if features are present in the requested area.

However, service.monitor currently is not able to perform those variable and aggregated checks mentioned above. We recommend you to make use of the job configuration options to mimic the desired behavior in a similar way. I.e. when you are going to test the Performance of an INSPIRE View Service create a service endpoint with two jobs, one caring for GetCapabilities operation and the other for GetMap operation. Via the job execution interval you can try to weigh the number of requests performing a GetCapabilities and the number of requests performing a GetMap. For enabling this please see the Annex (Flexible configuring INSPIRE services) of the installation documentation.

Potential incompatibility due to modifications in single sign-on mechanism

Because of a change to the Single Sign-On mechanism in security.manager, this version cannot be used as a central authentication point for software integrating an older version of the security.manager libraries.

This also affects the following products of sdi.suite:

smart.finder SDI

all versions prior to and including 3.3.0-9


all versions prior to and including 3.2.0-3


all versions prior to and including 2.1.3

This version of security.manager can still co-exists with other versions of the above product as long as this version of security.manager does not act as the central authentication service.


Install most recent version of smart.finder SDI or service.monitor, respectively.


Contact con terra support and ask for a patch, allowing the affected products to work with this version of security.manager. This requires an update of a 3rd party library in that product.