
Analytics (4.4.0)



Enable map.apps/security.manager behavioural pipeline for elastic 7.6


Rebuild map.apps Manager Analytics Dashboards in Kibana


Prototype GELF-Logging using map.apps and security.manager


Create Logstash Pipeline to read and parse con terra Technologies log messages


Create Kibana Dashboards analyzing con terra Technologies log files


Update Usagelog Bundles to support 7.4 elastic query language


Update delivery package for service.monitor Analytics


Integrate new GELF appender with service.monitor analytics

Bug & Improvement


Event capturing of omnisearch selected items fails for map.apps 4 app

Monitoring (4.4.0)



Provide credential management


Support monitoring of smart.finder indexing jobs


Integrate new GELF appender with service.monitor Monitoring


Prototype Monitoring Event Storage w/ Elasticsearch

Bug & Improvement


Allow Cron Strings to be inserted for Monitoring Template Definition


Convenience navigation functionalities


Allow for querying contacts in broadcasts


Incompatibility of our products due to different library dependencies


Monitoring Endpoints using HTTP/GET with a queryline without values fails


Wrong Labels when adding new job


[Security] Suppress unwanted loading of login page in iFrames


Make validation of ArcGIS harvesting URL less restrictive to support arcgis server instances not using default context 'arcgis'