Execute installation program

Starting installation

The installation procedure comprises several steps:

  1. Stop the Tomcat that is to be used for web application

  2. Run the installation programme

    The installation programme is either started executing the provided script


    or through execution of the command

    java –jar [CD]/Software/ct-monitor-installer-[VERSION].jar
  3. State the configuration parameters and complete the installation (see following subchapters for help)

  4. Manual adjustments to the servlet runtime environment.

  5. Run Tomcat

Basic steps

Provide license file

You’ll need to provide an license file during installation process. The file will be copied to the web application during installation process. If you do not have a license file for service.monitor although you are a licensee please contact con terra Support.

license file
The validity of the license file will be checked during application startup, not while performing the install.

Select the packs to be installed

There are two options available for installation:

  1. service.monitor application

  2. Tomcat Web-Context registration


Checking the option "Tomcat Web-Context registration" will automatically register the application in an Apache Tomcat instance. The service.monitor core package is mandatory for installation and cannot be unchecked.

Basic configuration

Please specify the base URL to be used for creating external links and establish internal communication. Make sure that you enter the correct protocol.

Also you can decide about the length of the time period monitoring results are stored in database.

basic config

Setup service.monitor database

Please choose the database type you want to connect to and provide the necessary connection parameters to your database instance.


Afterwards provide the necessary connection parameters. Here, you need to follow the common JDBC URL pattern.

database 2

Common configuration steps

Set password for internal user monitor

Here a password is assigned for the internal user monitor, which allows access to the application. The user is part of the integrated authentication procedure, which is the default after installation.

common config

Mail server configuration

Please enter the desired information for accessing the mail server instance. It may be necessary to enter credentials for the server if it requires authentication.

mail server

Text message (SMS) configuration

service.monitor supports text messaging via external services providing an SMTP based interface for sending text messages (i.e. http://www.ecall.ch/). Doing so service.monitor sends E-Mails to the specified broadcast server using the sender address specified in the previous panel. Most providers require this address to be on an internal white list allowing this mail-to-sms transition.

The text messaging option is not available in service.monitor administration if you leave the broadcast server field empty.


Simple Network Messaging Protocol message (SNMP) configuration

service.monitor can be configured to send SNMP trap messages to a central management instance. Please specify the host and the port the management instance is running on.

Please empty the field "SNMP Host" if you don’t want to have this option availabel in service.monitor administration UI.



Once the security.manager and service.monitor have been successfully installed and are running, all the installed modules will be available as web applications.

service.monitor application

For monitoring Esri Enterprise Geodatabases, you need to accomplish some more configurational steps:

  • Please add eine arcobjects.jar to the application’s classpath.

  • The jar needs to align with it’s version the version of the EGDB you want to monitor.

  • Add a Java System Variable as a start parameter to your Servlet Container. the variable points to your ArcGIS instance (can be ArcGIS Engine), i.e.: -Djava.library.path="c:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Server\\bin"

  • Please make sure that suitable JDBC drivers are available for connecting to the database (classpath of application or servlet container).

  • For Oracle you need Oracle Instant Client installed.