Analytics for App Designer

App designers are particularly interested in the actions used within their apps and which map contents are most frequently requested. This concerns on the one hand the concrete services, as well as the spatial sections and scale levels of the map inquiries.

The display of the actions used is an aggregation to the element event_name. The two fields event_name and event_action are extracted from the element event_topic during data processing. Not all actions recorded in map apps are dealt with during this process. However, analyses can also be based on the element event_topic.

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Use the filter options to find out the different action focuses of your apps.

The use of the different map services in map.apps can be demonstrated with the widget Used map services.

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The Heatmap illustrates in a very simple way the spatial localization of map.apps requests. Use the temporal and the app filter to recognize the different use cases.

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The heatmap only displays requests within the room reference system EPSG: 3857 and in a level-of-detail level >= 6.

Understanding how to use a map. apps app is also made possible by looking at the terms that users type into Omni-Search. It also shows which search results have been selected by the user.

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Create an analysis that shows Omni-Search’s access to the individual data stores.