Before Commencing Installation

The following conditions must be met to ensure successful installation of the programme:

  • The target system must have a Servlet Engine configured and running.

  • A database system must be installed and running on the target system or on a host computer that can be accessed by the target computer.

  • There must be an empty database or tablespace available for the service.monitor.

  • The JDBC URL required for accessing the database system must be known, as must the name and password of the database user.

  • During the course of the installation, the database user must possess the rights to CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, CREATE INDEX and CREATE SEQUENCE. After the installation, these rights can be withdrawn from the database user.

  • There must be a working SMTP mail server that can be accessed by the target system. The host name and port of the SMTP server are required during installation, as is the authentication information.

  • Please clarify the use of a SSL certificate and make it available to the SSL termination point of your infrastructure

Esri ArcSDE/ArcObjects license restrictions

If you are going to monitor Esri ArcSDE application servers or Enterprise Geodatabases you’ll need to provide the ArcSDE/ArcObjects Java libraries which are part of you ArcSDE/ArcObjects programm package.

  • jsde_sdk.jar and jpe_sdk.jar (ArcSDE monitoring)

  • arcobjects.jar (EGDB DirectConnect monitoring)

Also as a dependency of the two you need to add icu.jar to the classpath. This file can be obtained from here (only ArcSDE)

Please copy the files to <monitor>\webapps\monitor\WEB-INF\lib.