Flexibly configuring INSPIRE services

If you want to apply more flexible monitoring values to your monitored INSPIRE services you can modify the default values in a javascript file as follows:

Open the file <monitor>\webapps\monitor\js\monitor-edit.js for editing and find the INSPIRE default values at the very beginning:

INSPIRE default values
/*con terra service.monitor javascript helper function (yes, quite outdated.) */
/*INSPIRE default values*/
/*  Please specify if the input fields should turn into read only mode when dealing with INSPIRE services */
var inspireAccessibilityReadOnly = true;
/* the background color for inspire input fields */
var backgroundColor = "#ddd";
/*  the default values for capacity settings on the different inspire service types, read: number of parallel requests */
var inspireCapacityDownload = "10";
var inspireCapacityView = "20";
var inspireCapacityDiscovery = "30";
/*  the default values for timout settings on the different inspire service types, read: number of milliseconds to respond in */
var inspireTimeoutDiscovery = "3000";
var inspireTimeoutView = "5000";
var inspireTimeoutDownload = "30000";
/*  the default value for availability settings on all inspire service types, read: percentage of availability */
var inspireAvailability = "99";

If you want to make the HTML input fields available for editing, set the variable inspireAccessibilityReadOnly to true. Also you can apply other default values to the INSPIRE service type specific values.