Integrate with application log files

The contents of the service.monitor monitoring log files can not only be stored in local log files such as ct-monitor.log in the Tomcat log folder, but can also be sent directly via GELF log to the Logstash pipeline of Analytics.


The following changes must be made to the file of service.monitor Monitoring:

# set this to 'true' if a Logstash server is available in your environment
# the host name of the logstash server
# the port of the logstash server
# the protocol of the logstash server (udp | tcp)
# a reasonably unique value that identifies your application (facility)

The above configuration assumes that the Logstash process is running on the same machine as the Tomcat.

Check other con terra products for the properties listed above. If available, these can also be integrated with Analytics.

Analytics (Logstash)

Make sure that the Logstash pipeline ct-logs is running. The port defined in ct-log-100-input.conf must match the port from the configuration above.

Analytics (Kibana)

The delivered dashboard and visualization objects must be imported into Kibana to view and analyze the incoming data.