Registration and Login

service.monitor web application can be invoked in the web browser via the web address



The user needs to log into service.monitor before using the application’s functionality. service.monitor offers additional functionality for specific users. The extent of these functions varies depending on the roles distributed and the rights associated with them. Before a user can invoke any of the functions associated with a certain role, he needs to be registered by the administrator or he needs to accomplish the self registration process of security.manager (if enabled). Upon registration, the administrator assigns the user a role, a user group, a user name and a password.


If you would like to be a registered user of the service.monitor get in touch with the administrator of the application. You will be assigned rights, a user name and a password, which will allow you to use the service.monitor as a registered user.

A registered user can log onto the service.monitor with his user name and password (Login).


A non-registered user is not able to use the functions of the service.monitor. The roles denote the rights which are assigned to a user. The following roles are provided for:

  • mon_Administrator (Administrator)

  • mon_Redakteur (Editor)


The mon_Redakteur (Editor) of service.monitorĀ is able to perform the following functions:

  • Registration

  • Management

  • Statistics

A mon_Redakteur may register services or the jobs associated with a service, and he is able to manage and modify his jobs. Such a user can access services and jobs from himself and all users of his group. In terms of the tenant capability of the application, this role is sufficient for the normal use of service. monitor.

custom multi tenancy


The mon_Administrator of the service.monitor has full access to all services and jobs. He has read and write permissions for any kind of service and job and also he is able to see which user has registered a service to service.monitor. This applies to the entire instance across tenant boundaries.

sM_Administrator (only User Management)

A user with role sM_Administrator can invoke the User Management and register new groups or users (Information regarding this component can be found in the Installation guide).