
This chapter describes the most relevant configuration options for the service.monitor.

HTTP Forward Proxy configuration (optional)

To monitor services that are not accessed directly but via a proxy, it is necessary to add a proxy configuration to the Java servlet engine in which the service.monitor is operated. The following parameters must be set in the environment of the engine:

http.proxyHost=[PROXY_SERVERNAME for http]
http.proxyPort=[PROXY_SERVERPORT for http]
http.nonProxyHosts=[LIST_SERVERS_WITHOUT_PROXY for http]
https.proxyHost=[PROXY_SERVERNAME for https]
https.proxyPort=[PROXY_SERVERPORT for https]
https.nonProxyHosts=[LIST_SERVERS_WITHOUT_PROXY for https]

There are different ways to configure these parameters. In Tomcat they can be defined for instance as Java parameters using the Tomcat configuration tools.

These settings apply to all web applications of the Tomcat service, and not only to components of the service.monitor. If this is not desired, monitor should be run in a separate Tomcat installation. After setting up the parameters, restart the Tomcat service.

Alternatively, the parameters could be defined by setting the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS to the following values:

set CATALINA_OPTS = -Dhttp.proxyPort=[PROXYPORT] -Dhttp.proxyHost=[PROXYHOST] -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=[NONPROXYHOSTS] .....
export CATALINA_OPTS = -Dhttp.proxyPort=[PROXYPORT] -Dhttp.proxyHost=[PROXYHOST] -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=[NONPROXYHOSTS] .....

Memory settings (optional)

Depending on the servlet engine used, the memory allocation may need to be increased. The following values are recommended (parameters may have to be added; this can be done in the same way as with proxy parameter settings):


maximum memory allocated by the JVM (512 MByte)

These value are for guidance only – if a high load is expected and there are many applications deployed on the server, the values should be increased in accordance with the available hardware).