Create a custom dashboard configuration.

In order to create a custom dashboard configuration, the following steps are needed:

Step 1: Create bundle

  • copy the bundle usagelog_questionsDashboardConfig from CD-Contents-[VERSION]\software\service.monitor Analytics\ct-analytics-js-[VERSION].jar\bundles\ to a folder (e.g. MyCustomDashboard)

  • open the manifest.json file inside the previously copied folder MyCustomDashboard\manifest.json and set the property "Bundle-SymbolicName" according to the folder’s name (e.g. "Bundle-SymbolicName": "MyCustomDashboard")

  • all needed configuration can be done inside the default-dashboard-config\manifest.json

  • after all edits are done, it is needed to create a zip-file from the created folder (e.g. MyCustomDashboard) or it’s contents

Step 2: Upload/Install bundle

  • upload the bundle’s zip-file created in step 1 via map.apps manager UI

    custom dashboard bundle upload

Step 3: Add bundle to manager

  • in the file of the map.apps webapp, the new bundle needs to be added to the list manager.config.viewbundles

  • the bundle usagelog_defaultDashboardConfig needs to be removed from the list manager.config.viewbundles

  • restart or reload the map.apps tomcat context via the tomcat manager (e.g. http://localhost:8080/manager)

Step 4: Verify Installation

  • inside the map.apps manager there should be a tool available that has the custom dashboards available.