
Monitoring 4.3.3

Bug & Improvement


Support PostgreSQL 10


Sample Request creation fails for ArcGIS Token secured services


[Expectations] Evaluation of Expectations never happens for WAS, WSS, OGC and PDP services


Input form element "query line" does not appear when selecting a POST sample request


Support ArcGIS Server Token Authentication when monitoring services


Improve input validation support


HTML escape all characters while rendering html output


Add configuration property for SSLTrustAnyServer


Replace embedded security.manager with more simple INTEGRATED authentication mode


Support service.monitor to run in Tomcat 9


Support OpenJDK/OpenJRE 8

Monitoring 4.3.2

Bug & Improvement


Job query by user and group uses AND rather than OR


Checking for blacklisted service may raise a service exception for certain addresses


History diagram does only display 10 recent requests due to wrong usage of histogram data interface


Apply security.manager fix to service.monitor (SECMAN-2018-01 - Security Issue)


Allow service URLs to be harvested from map.apps 4 Apps

Analytics 4.3.1

Bug & Improvement


Event capturing of omnisearch selected items fails for map.apps 4 app


Default User Id anonymization in logstash configuration to enable for "security by default" from GDPR


Provide logstash output definition that splits events to different indices according to their type


Provide sample logstash pipelines for maintenance tasks


Add configuration property for SSLTrustAnyServer (Analytics)


Integrate Analytics Elasticsearch Proxy Servlet Usage with Analytics Event Capturing


Support integration of map.apps 4.3/4.4 w/ Analytics


Support integration of security.manager 4.10.1 w/ Analytics


Provide Integration files for security.manager 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, & 4.14 and 4.14.1


Provide Integration files for map.apps 4.4.2/4.5.0/4.6

Monitoring 4.3.1

Bug & Improvement


Update dependencies pointing to n52[2.4.4] and ct-commons[1.4.4]

Analytics 4.3.0



Introduce new Widget Type: Histogram (Dashboard: Events zeitlich aggregieren)


Provide date widget for selecting start and end data on analysis dashboard


Support map.apps 4 Event System


Allow current dashboard state to be printed


[Pioneer] Visually analyze User’s Event Stream


Integrate relative and absolute time selector to a single ui element

Bug & Improvement


OmniSearchDetector fails to evaluate selected term on SmartSearch results


OmniSearch Detection fails for Esri World Geocoding Service


Usage Events aren’t any longer persisted w/ map.apps 4 due to wrong content type definition


MapExtent numbers are not always logged as floating data type


Integration files for some sec.man versions are missing dependencies (4.4)


Ordering of Analytics Dashboards in User Interface is not derived from ordering of dashboards in manifest.json


Ordering of Events in Stream view is wrong


X-Forwarded-For Header cannot be read correctly if IP value contains port number


Change Access Protocol from 'node' to 'http' when Logstash sends events to Elasticsearch


Defaulting ElasticSearch to run only two shards per Index


Defaulting Logstash to create new indexes on a monthly basis only


Allow to anonymize user id in Logstash Pipeline


Support CORS Filter on Filter Chain


Provide Integration files for map.apps 3.8/3.9/4.1/4.2 and security.manager 4.8/4.9/4.9.1


Extend server side logging to collect request params for all kind of requests


Extract BBOX parameters from security.manager secured requests


Provide Integration files for map.apps 4.2.2 and security.manager 4.10.0

Monitoring 4.3.0



Allow definition of service response expectations


Support message notification via Microsoft Teams

Bug & Improvement


Some db queries on MS SQL Server fail for job when monitoring state is NULL


RangeFilter was introduced for hostgroup and service type links without possibility to page through results


Hibernate Session Metrics Logging is much too chatty


Publishing monitoring service from smart.finder SDI fails for INSPIRE services


ArcGIS Geoprocessing Services (SOAP) don’t fail when behind security.manager


NPE during creation of E-Mail (when Rule is null)


Regular Expression for address validation does not support any mail address


Show owner (and group) of monitoring/notification templates in user interface when owning administrative role


Show available groups and or owners in user interface and allow for filtering those


Allow specifying a URL or query path extension for http/POST monitoring requests


Allow prefix for mail subject to be configured in application.properties


provide information about next notification date on job status page