Customize and extend dashboards
Create an app and create a new dashboard
Creating the app and configuring the new Analytics Dashboard involves the following steps in map.apps Manager:
Creation of a new app
Configuration of the
file -
Create a new, local bundle via
(optional) Adding a new widget configuration
Create a new app "custom_dashboard"
The map.apps Manager allows you to easily create new apps. For the given application, it is sufficient to create a new (and empty) app called custom_dashboard without using a template and then switch to the manual configuration.
Configure app.json
The following adjustments are made in the app.json
Integration of the analytics bundles
Configuration of local bundles
Konfiguration als "Management-App"

First, the necessary bundles are added to the configuration.
"load": {
"allowedBundles": [
"bundleLocations": [
The bundle dashboard_customDashboard does not yet exist, but will be created later in this article. usagelog_defaultWidgets
is the widget container introduced in service.monitor 4.2 and contains all widgets used in the product dashboards.
With the extension of the bundleLocations
to ${app}
, the app is enabled to find local bundles as well.
In the bundles section, the map bundle is removed, since no map abilities are required for this example. This configuration must be used instead:
"templates": {
"TemplateModel": {
"_selectedTemplate": "template",
"_templates": [
"name": "template",
"location": "managementlayout",
"requiresCSS": true
"toolset": {
"ToolsetManager": {
"toolsets": [
"id": "default_tools",
"tools": [
"container": "desktopbackground",
"cssClass": "buildertoolsMenuBar",
"windowType": "menubar",
"position": {
"rel_t": 7,
"rel_l": 10
"authentication": {
"RedirectOnLogout": {
"refreshPage": true,
"appendReturnUrl": false
Creation and configuration of the local bundle
With the function "Create file" you have to create a bundles.json
file with the content
"dashboard_customDashboard": {}

The same applies to the file dashboard_customDashboard/manifest.json
It defines the dashboards and widgets to be present in the newly created app.
The file content looks like this:
"Bundle-SymbolicName": "dashboard_customDashboard",
"Bundle-Version": "0.0.1",
"Bundle-Layer": "",
"Bundle-Main": "",
"Bundle-Localization": [],
"Require-Bundle": [{
"name": "usagelog_management_widgets"
"Components": [{
"name": "DashboardConfig",
"impl": "ct/Stateful",
"provides": ["usagelog_management.DashboardConfig"],
"propertiesConstructor": true,
"properties": {
"config": {
"dashboards": [{
"title": "Custom Dashboard",
"widgetIds": [
"app_starts", "map_events"
The name of the bundle is "dashboard_customDashboard", see also the links in app.json
and bundles.json
The component section defines a dashboard called "Custom Dashboard".
This uses the (global defined) widgets app_starts
and map_events
These widgets are defined in the bundle usagelog_defaultWidgets
Checking the configuration
After saving the files, the dashboard can be tested. As expected, there are two widgets on the dashboard "Custom Dashboard".

Adding a new widget configuration
Following the same pattern, completely new widget (query) definitions can be published on your own dashboards.
To do this, open the file dashboard_customDashboard/manifest.json
again by manually configuring the manager for editing.
For simplicity, the following code section contains the complete configuration of the bundle.
"config": {
"dashboards": [
"title": "Custom Dashboard",
"widgetIds": [
"widgets": [
"widgetId": "analytics_user_id",
"aggregation_query": {
"refresh": true,
"query": "tool_id:usagelog_dashboard_toggletool AND event_action:Activated AND _exists_:auth.user_id",
"queryField": "auth.user_id.raw",
"distinctValues": 20,
"order": {
"_count": "desc"
"chart": {
"title": "Aufrufe der Analytics-Dashboards",
"subtitle": "Zeigt die Anzahl der Aufrufe der service.monitor Analytics Dashboards aggregiert auf authentifizierte Nutzer.",
"type": "Columns",
"openTableOnStartup": true
New is the widgets
section, which defines a query against ElasticSearch.
It queries all tool activations of the Analytic Dashboards and aggregates the answers to the user_id
The new widget is then referenced in the dashboards