Providing the license file

To use service.monitor Analytics, you’ll need to provide a license file during the setup. If you do not have a license file for service.monitor Analytics, although you are a licensee, please contact con terra Support .

The license file needs to be copied to the license directory at []/license, which is by default $\{user.home\}/.monitor/license. Note that this directory needs to be created manually. The validity of the license file will be checked during webapp startup.

The default value for [] is $\{user.home\}/.monitor. In case the Tomcat server is operated as a windows service this folder corresponds to the user that executes the Tomcat service. If no such user is configured the Tomcat server runs under the system user’s account (not recommended!). In this case the .monitor folder is to be found under path C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.monitor

If a custom folder should be used to store the service.monitor Analytics data directory define this path via file \monitor-analytics\WEB-INF\classes\ inside the webapp on the Tomcat


When installing service.monitor Analytics on Linux systems, you have to change the following parameter in configuration file \monitor-analytics\WEB-INF\classes\$\{user.home\}/.monitor

to e.g.