Runtime environment


  • OpenJDK/OpenJRE 8*, 11

  • Oracle JDK/JRE 8*, 11


  • Apache Tomcat 8.5*, 9.0


  • Windows

  • Linux

service.monitor is a pure Java-based application and should run on any supported operating system, provided that the JDK / JRE requirements are satisfied.


  • Oracle Database 11g*, 12c*, 18c

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016*, 2017

  • PostgreSQL 9*, 10*, 11


Latest stable version:

  • Google Chrome

  • Firefox (Latest ESR version is known to work)

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Safari

Internet Explorer 11

Esri has deprecated support for Internet Explorer 11 for the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. Support is limited in scope and Esri does not recommend using it (see system requirements ). Furthermore, Microsoft recommends using Microsoft Edge instead of Internet Explorer 11.

A modern browser is recommended for running map.apps line 4. Internet Exlorer 11 is still supported for apps of line 3. (This applies especially to the product components integrated with map.apps)

General Hints
  • Versions marked with * might be replaced in one of the next releases in favor of a newer one.

  • In case you have platforms other than those listed preceding, contact con terra support .

Compatibilitymatrix with other con terra products

security.manager (SSO)

security.manager (data collection)

map.apps (data collection - Client)

map.apps (data collection - Server)

map.apps (dashboards)

service.monitor 4.0

>= 4.4


>= 3.2


>= 3.3

service.monitor 4.1

>= 4.4

4.4 - 4.6.1

>= 3.2


>= 3.3

service.monitor 4.2

>= 4.4

4.4 - 4.7.1

>= 3.2

3.3.0 - 4.0

>= 3.3

service.monitor 4.3

>= 4.4

4.4 - 4.9.1

>= 3.7 & > 4.2.0

3.7 & >4.2

>= 3.7

service.monitor 4.4

>= 4.4

4.4.- 4.16

> 4.2.0

> 4.2.0

> 4.2.0

service.monitor Analytics (data collection)

>= 4.4

>= 4.4

> 4.2.0

> 4.2.0

> 4.2.0

service.monitor Analytics (dashboards)

>= 4.4

>= 4.4

> 4.2.0

> 4.2.0

> 4.2.0

Runtime Environment Analytics Data Processing and Storage

The OpenSource products Elasticsearch and Logstash receive, process and store the collected events so that they can then be subjected to targeted research and analysis. For security and distribution reasons, it is recommended that you run these components on a separate host, independent from the application infrastructure.

Currently these versions are included:

  • Elasticsearch 1.7.5 (OS , Java )

  • Logstash 1.5.6

Both components allow the software to run on Windows or Linux environments. For more information, please refer to elastics installation guide .

Sufficient memory is a key factor for the operation of Elasticsearch. Please provide at least 2GB or more of memory (depending on the amount of events).

Architectural Considerations

Here are some basic recommendations you may follow when setting up service.monitor.

  • Run service.monitor applications separately from your applications - if your application server fails completely you are going to recognize this too late

  • Separate Elasticsearch and Logstash from your internet exposed applications - these are performing memory and cpu consuming operations.

  • Introduce security means (Firewall) between application server / monitoring server and your data processing and collection node - take security concerns seriously

  • Run Elasticsearch cluster with at least two nodes or be at least prepared for growing requirements

cmp servmon analytics