Release Notes 4.0

What’s New


service.monitor Analytics

Release 4.0.0 of service.monitor increases the product’s functional scope notably. Besides the classical HTTP monitoring the product is now capable of collecting information about the real use of the overall services being exposed by our customers. This part is called service.monitor Analytics. Currently both product lines need to be installed separately and can be run independently from each other. Therefore service.monitor Analytics comes with its own set of documentation.

service.monitor Analytics is the new functional capability of service.monitor and allows to collect and analyze information about the concrete usage of a service offering. service.monitor Analytics integrates well with map.apps, security.manager and other con terra products.

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Integration of service.monitor into map.apps Manager

service.monitor comes with a new map.apps Layout (everlasting) and a monitor integration bundle that allows you to integrate both service.monitor Monitoring and service.monitor Analytics into map.apps Manager user interface.

Monitoring of Enterprise Geodatabase

service.monitor is not only capable of monitoring ArcSDE Application servers but also of monitoring Esri Enterprise Geodatabase via Direct Connect.



New Features


Support harvesting of enforcement points from security.manager


create bundle for monitor integration into map.apps Manager


Apply new application property loading pattern


Support Token Authentication on Monitoring Requests


Introduce log4j v2 and replace old log4j implementation


enable ehcache on db queries


Introduce more intelligence to detect encoded/decoded URL Strings in Job Requests

Fixed Issues


2nd Sample request for MapServer SOAP is syntactically incorrect


No standard request for ArcGIS Server (SOAP) available


Cannot edit service owned by other person of my group