Job properties

This tab simply lists all stored information about the job and it’s belonging service.


Most relevant information of a service are:

  • internal service ID

  • the name of the service

  • URL of the service

  • the service type (using an internal naming scheme)

  • owner or creator of this service entry

  • the user group the owner belongs to

  • name of notification template

  • tolerated failures before a notification is sent

  • name of monitoring template

  • name of credential templates (if set)


Relevant information of a job are:

  • internal job ID

  • name of the job

  • job category

  • creation and modification date

  • HTTP request content

  • protection level of job monitoring data
    public or private
    Private data is not publicly available for being requested via REST interface.

  • ArcSDE information: e.g. feature class, feature count, SQL where clause

Last executed request

Concerning the last executed request there are:

  • Timestamp of execution

  • HTTP Status Code

  • Content Type

  • Absolute number of requests

  • Evaluated state

  • Error message (if available)