Monitoring & Notification

In the Monitoring & Notification tab, set whether you want to receive notifications about the job.

Status information

The job of this service is intended to be accessed by the public.


Activate the monitoring.

Monitoring template

The monitoring template of the job, which regulates when the monitoring of the service is started.


Activate the notification in case of service failure or low service quality.

Tolerated failures before a notification is sent

Determines the number of failed runs of a job before a notification is sent. This reduces the number of notifications if jobs regularly fail briefly for known reasons but are then executed successfully again.

  • With the setting 0 (always send notification) a notification is sent after every failed run of the job.

  • With the setting 1, a single failed run is tolerated. A notification is only sent if the immediately following run also fails.

  • With the settings 2, 3, 4, etc., a notification is only sent if the specified number of the last immediately preceding job runs have failed.

Configuration value of monitoring.logging.interval may not be 0, as otherwise the number of previous attempts cannot be retrieved.
Notification template

The notification template of the job, which will use the channels to notify in case of insufficient quality of service.

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