Monitoring Template

Monitoring templates are managed separately from service and jobs.

You can access the templates via the central service.monitor administration page and create them on a fine-granular basis for specific days of the week. Alternatively you can define a cron statement.

all en


When creating monitoring templates, you can define the following values:

new en
Template name

Name of the template.

On a daily basis

Perform on all weekdays

Indicates if this template should be applied on all weekdays. If you uncheck the checkbox, a selection of individual days of the week will appear.


Time to start monitoring.


Time to end monitoring.


Monitoring interval in minutes.

Set weekdays

If you uncheck the checkbox, you can specify on which weekdays the monitoring should be triggered. You can set as many triggers as you want, even several on one day. This allows you to define the monitoring intervals very precisely.

select day en

By a cron expression

Con expression

Cron statement specifying the periodicity


Select one in the listing of all monitoring templates to see all the details and edit it if necessary.

view with all details of a template


Templates that are not specifically used by a job can be deleted. If the template is actively used, a corresponding message will appear and the process will abort.