
Prerequisite for the installation of service.monitor are:

  • A configured and running servlet engine is available on the target system ready for operation.

  • A database system is installed and started on the target system or on a host computer accessible from the target system.

  • An empty database or tablespace is available for service.monitor.

  • The JDBC URL required for accessing the database system must be known, as must the name and password of the database user.

  • The rights for CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, CREATE INDEX and CREATE SEQUENCE must be available for the installation. These rights can be revoked after the installation.

  • A working SMTP mail server is accessible from the target system. The host name and port of the SMTP server are required during installation, as is the authentication information.

  • Clarify and finalize SSL and HTTP as infrastructural requirements.

Database driver files

Delivery does not contain database driver files at all. So it is the installer’s responsibility to pick up the appropriate file for the database and put it into %tomcat%\lib