Use of cookies

service.monitor uses cookies to store data across browser sessions. This page provides information about what data is stored.


Please note the following about the descriptions below:

  • The use of Kibana may result in additional cookies being written. Only cookies that are written by service.monitor itself are considered in this section.

  • The names of the cookies are configurable and can therefore vary at runtime.

Cookies are used in service.monitor to assign users to a session after they have successfully logged in. It depends on the authentication mode which cookies are used:

  • In the integrated authentication mode (standard) sessions are managed by Tomcat. When a new session is created, a cookie with the name JSESSIONID (name may differ, see above) is sent to the browser.

  • If security.manager - Enterprise Edition is used for authentication, an ct_SSO cookie (name may differ, see above) is written to implement domain-wide single sign-on.

There is also a cookie named ct_mon_nav that helps to maintain navigation state in monitoring webapp.