
Please also understand the current system requirements for the installation and operation of service.monitor.

Elastic & Analytics

This document describes the steps necessary to install and configure service.monitor based on Elasticsearch.

This includes:

  • installing the Elasticsearch stack with.

    • Logstash

    • Elasticsearch

    • Kibana

  • and the installation/configuration of the components for the integration of the different data sources.


The monitoring section describes the installation of service.monitor monitoring webapp in a servlet container. It focuses on the Apache Tomcat servlet container and Windows as the operating system. However, it is also possible to run the software in any other of the supported servlet containers and on different operating systems like UNIX or Linux.

To check the version of an existing service.monitor Monitoring installation, open a browser window and go to http://<domain>/monitor/info.txt, where <domain> is the host name in your environment where service.monitor Monitoring is running.
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