Expectation Management
Expectations allows the administrator to define concrete expectations for the response of a job execution. If the expectation does not apply, the service will be evaluated as faulty and notifications will be sent.
With service.monitor, these expectations can be defined:
- Regular Expression Expectation
checks the response using regular expressions
- String Matches Expectation
checks the presence of text
- String Count Expectation
expects a specific text to be present a certain number of times
- HTTP Header Available Expectation
verifies an HTTP Header is available in the server response
- HTTP Header Value Expectation
does a (alpha)numeric comparison of HTTP Header values
Expectations are stored independently of service and job. When a new job is added, the user simply selects one, several or no expectation to be associated with the job.
The administration page can be accessed via the service.monitor dashboard. First, an overview with all registered expectations opens and offers various actions.