Introduction Release Notes

After the introduction of analytics as an essential component of the service.monitor product, version 4.4 saw the further expansion of functions with regard to centralisation in a geoIT-oriented system architecture. In addition to the usual recording of concrete user interactions in map.apps and security.manager, application logging information from con terra products could be centrally recorded and analysed. For this purpose, these products (e.g. security.manager) no longer write their logging output only to local files, but send it to data pipelines of service.monitor. The data is stored in Elasticsearch, made searchable and made visible and analysable via Kibana Dashboards. The predefined dashboards are part of the service.monitor product. Furthermore, information about monitoring executions can also be stored and graphically analysed.

With the present version 4.5, service.monitor extends the spectrum of supported data sources to include information from Safe FME Server. Improvements have been made to Elastic Index Lifecycle Management, data post-processing and Esri ArcGIS Dashboards.

Following functionalities and components are constituting the newest release of service.monitor Analytics:

Data Collection

  • User interactions from map.apps and security.manager

  • Application logging outputs from con terra products

  • Information from monitoring events of service.monitor Monitoring

  • Application logging outputs from ArcGIS Enterprise

  • Job informationen and log outputof Safe FME Server

Data processing and data storage

  • Logstash data processing pipeline for

    • user interactions

    • application logging information

    • ArcGIS Enterprise

    • Safe FME Server

    • monitoring events

  • Elasticsearch index structure and index life cycle management configuration

  • Elastic Ingest Pipelines for deeper data preparation

Date visualization / Data analysis

  • preconfigured map.apps based dashboards for analysis of user interactions

  • Kibana based dashboards for

    • user interactions

    • application logging information

    • FME Server data

    • monitoring events

image image

The following components are part of the new release of service.monitor Monitoring:

  • periodic monitoring of (HTTP-based) a multitude of different geo-services

  • professional evaluation of the response behaviour (including own rules & expectations)

  • Notification in case of error on different channels

  • Transfer of monitoring events to Analytics to make use of the convenient analysis capabilities

  • Integration of service.monitor in architectures for central log file analysis

Some advice on licensing and terms of use

As licensee of service.monitor you are also capable of a simplified version of security.manager, which allows you to define and maintain users for the operation of service.monitor. You are allowed to use this component also in conjunction with service.monitor Analytics (mode ONLY_AUTHN). To provide you with a full SSO experience while using analytics dashboards inside of map.apps manager application, you are also allowed to switch the authentication mode to ONLY_AUTHN in the associated map.apps installation. However, the usage is restricted to the operation of service.monitor Analytics and corresponding user authentication.

It does not comply with the terms of use and is an incorrect way of using service.monitor if the simplified version of security.manager (as part of the service.monitor license) is going to be used to authorize Apps and Tools or to authenticate additional users who are going to use map.apps for other purposes than service.monitor Analytics. In this case please contact or via telephone +49 251 59689 400.

This document includes an overview about changes and extensions in comparison to version 4.0.