Integrated security mechanism

The integrated security mechanism is the default setting when map.apps is delivered. In this mode, only one administrator and one editor user can be defined. If you want to manage multiple users with these roles, you must link map.apps to a product listed in the overview.

The following parameters can be changed in the configuration.

Change default passwords
It is strongly recommended to change the default passwords for the admin and editor user.

Name of the admin user.

Password of the map.apps administrator user. This only applies if the map.apps user administration is used. The password can be configured in plain text or encrypted (see security.user.pwenc).

Name of the editor user.

Password of the map.apps editor user. This only applies if the map.apps user administration is used. The password can be configured in plain text or encrypted (see security.user.pwenc).


Encryption algorithm of the precedingmentioned user passwords. By default passwords are stored in plain text (plain). Possible hash algorithms are SHA-1, SHA-256, MD5. Make sure that you set the correct value in security.user.use_mapped_pass.


If the administrator/editor user passwords are stored in plain text, this value must be set to false. If hash algorithms are used, true must be configured.