Notification Template

Notifications being sent by service.monitor are stored separately from each job. While defining a job the user simply selects an existing notification scheme to make use of the broadcast channels.

The following broadcasting channels are supported:

Icons Channel Description

mail add / mail remove


Send messages via e-mail.

Specify the recipient email address.

snmp add / snmp remove


Send messages via Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to an existing Management Information Base (MIB).

sms add / sms remove


Send messages via SMS.

Specify the recipient’s phone number including valid country codes (e.g. +49 for Germany) and the maximum number of characters (ideally 256) for the message text.

twitter logo


Send twitter messages (tweets).



Send messages to the collaboration platform Slack (Webhook).

ms teams

Microsoft Teams

Send messages to Microsoft Teams (Webhook).

Notification Templates management is accessible from the central management page view. After clicking the link the browser will display an overview of all available templates.

all en


When creating a new notification template, select which of the supported notification channels should be activated. Channels that are not active can be added by clicking the corresponding icon. The same applies to adding additional mail addresses.

create en

The common options are:

Template name

Freely selectable name. This parameter is mandatory.


Since which time the notification should run.


Until which time the notification should run.


Specifies the time interval in minutes at which notifications should suspend in the event of a change to the job.

To activate a channel, fill out the corresponding parameters.

Locale of a notification

The locale of a notification is derived from the current language parameter the page is opened (see lang-parameter in your URL). This allows to different languages being used for different notification templates.

Configure twitter

service.monitor use OAuth authentication to authenticate when sending messages to a Twitter timeline. For enabling this you need to provide four authentication parameters:

  • OAuthConsumerKey

  • OAuthConsumerSecret

  • OAuthAccessToken

  • OAuthAccessTokenSecret


For obtaining those, login to your Twitter account and click on Create New App.

create app

After agreeing to the developer’s rules, creating the application the interface allows you to create new API keys. Make sure that appropriate rights are set to access the account. You need read/write for access level permissions. After the key generation, the corresponding information is available.

  • OAuthConsumerKey relates to Application settings > API key.

  • OAuthConsumerSecret relates to Application settings > API secret.

  • OAuthAccessToken relates to Your access token > Access token.

  • OAuthAccessTokenSecret relates to Your Access token > Access token secret.

app settings