map.apps user interaction


  1. Executing the statements from dev-console/ct-analytics.txt in the Kibana Dev Console

  2. Importing Kibana Dashboards, Queries and Index Patterns from kibana/ct-analytics/export.ndjson file

  3. Configuring the logstash pipeline ct-analytics

  4. Setting up the ingest pipeline ingest/ct-monitor-analytics.txt (see below)

  5. Uploading the analytics bundles to map.apps Manager (see below)

  6. Configuration of map.apps (see below)

Publish Elastic Ingest Pipeline

The ingest pipeline adds more time values to the events.

The contents of

  • ingest/ct-monitor-temporal.txt

  • ingest/ct-monitor-analytics.txt

to be sent via the Kibana Dev Tools > Console.

Upload Analytics Bundles

To use the bundles of service.monitor Analytics, install them in map.apps.

  1. Login to the map.apps Manager as Admin user.

  2. Go to the Bundles tab.

  3. Click + Upload and select ct-monitor-analytics-js-[VERSION].jar.
    service.monitor’s Analytics bundles are now displayed in the list of installed bundles.

  4. Refresh the map.apps Manager to see the Analytics tab.

Configuration of map.apps

You can use service.monitor to collect and display usage data of a map.apps installation. Change or add the below properties in the map.apps file to integrate service.monitor in map.apps. Afterwards, restart the Servlet Container or reload the context.

The path of the map.apps is different than the one of service.monitor Analytics. (map.apps)
#### service.monitor Integration


HTTP endpoint for collecting usage data by means of service.monitor Analytics webapp.

Property status: new
Default: <host>/monitor-analytics/resources/usage/log


Name of the message’s source (for analyses purposes).

Property status: new
Default: map.apps


Bundles, that are loaded for each newly created app.

If you add the analytics_restservice bundle to the property, all newly created apps will send the collected data to the analytics.service.url by default. This happens even if the analytics_restservice bundle is not listed in the allowedBundles section of the new app, simplifying the one-time activation of service.monitor Analytics for all newly created apps.

When editing and saving an app via Live-Configuration in map.apps the bundles mentioned above will be added to the app.json file. This change remains even if bundles are removed from the appservice.default.bundles list again.

This property applies only to apps provided via the map.apps app service and not to apps stored in the file system.

Property status: warning may already pre-exist
Default: system,templatelayout,analytics_restservice


HTTP endpoint for embedding /monitor webapp as part of map.apps Management view.

Property status: new
Default: <host>/monitor

If the map.apps is not running on the same host as the service.monitor Analytics Webapp, add the host to the allowedProxyUrls in the map.apps file.

Enable logging by app

To enable logging for an app, add one bundle with writer component (e.g. analytics_restservice) to the allowedBundles section in the app.json. To enable logging for all newly created apps instead, see appservice.default.bundles.

  "load": {
    "allowedBundles": [