Monitoring events

Details about service.monitor Monitoring executed monitoring executions can be stored in the local database. Alternatively they can also be sent directly to Analytics' Logstash pipeline via GELF protocol.


  1. Executing the statements from dev-console/ct-monitoring.txt in the Kibana Dev Console

  2. Import Kibana dashboards, queries and index patterns from file kibana/ct-monitoring/export.ndjson .

  3. Setting up ingest pipelines from ingest/ct-monitor-monitoring-*.txt (see below) .

  4. Configuration of the /monitor web application

Publish Elastic Ingest Pipeline

The ingest pipelines read the target host and ArcGIS Server specific information from the requested monitoring URL to provide convenient filtering options. Furthermore, some time/date information is extracted.

The contents of

  • ingest/ct-monitor-temporal.txt

  • ingest/ct-monitor-monitoring-arcgis-serviceinfo.txt

  • ingest/ct-monitor-monitoring-host.txt

  • ingest/ct-monitor-monitoring.txt

to be sent via the Kibana 'Dev Tools' > 'Console'.

Configuration of the /monitor web application

Add the following changes to the file of service.monitor Monitoring:

#### Storing monitored events in elasticsearch via a logstash pipeline ####
# This is very useful if you want to leverage kibana widgets and dashboards

The above configuration assumes that the Logstash process is running on the same machine as the Tomcat.