Some Advice on data privacy

con terra takes data privacy seriously, and you as licensee of service.monitor Analytics should also. The wide scope of possible usage scenarios of this product may lead to different view points on user data privacy. Conditions of data privacy are different if you expose your services publicly on the internet. Also, they might be even stronger if you are a public organization or a local or regional authority. However, for public customers addressing only internal customers it might be necessary to have user’s name and IP address being logged when a service is being used, it really depends on the functional scope of your service.

Because data protection and user’s privacy has a meaning for us:

  • you can decide, where (in which country) collected data is stored

  • we do not use Cookies for user tracking

service.monitor Analytics and/or map.apps offer these possibilities to conform with data privacy for you:

  • a sample statement on data privacy, which can be shown up in a modal or non-modal dialog on client start up (available in German language)

  • possibility to add a link to your own statement on privacy in map.apps

  • username is pseudonomized by default

  • possibility (not) to save user’s IP address

  • possibility to change means of obfuscation of user’s IP address.

You as service provider are responsible for conformance with the legal requirements on data protection and data privacy.