smart.finder indexing jobs

If smart.finder indexing jobs finish unsuccessfully and remain in an invalid state, this can disrupt internal data pipelines. You can monitor the success of a configured smart.finder indexing job in terms of content — in particular, the validation of the dates, taking into account the defined cron execution rules.

To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Register a new service with type con terra smart.finder.

  2. Create a new job. Follow the example URL schema for Content field: /smartfinder-server/indexingmanagement/select?q=state:"executing".

  3. Test the request.

Sample response of smart.finder
      "source":"<backend service>",
      "cronstring":"0 6 22 ? * WED *",

Based on the information about the respective indexing job — lastSuccess and cronstring — service.monitor can calculate whether another indexing activity should already have taken place for this job. In this case, service.monitor sends a notification.

You can create multiple service.monitor jobs to accommodate different responsibilities for servicing smart.finder jobs. You can modify the above example as follows:

/smartfinder-server/indexingmanagement/select?q=state:"executing" AND NOT (title:"Aktuelle Störungen" OR title:"Aktuelle Wartungen")