Release Notes 4.11

Update Notes

Configuration Changes


The default value of the configuration property security.user.username.regexpr was changed (see System hardening). Before this change, usernames were allowed to contain spaces, which is prohibited now. If you override this property in your file, adopt this behavior.

Database Changes

This section describes the required update of an existing security.manager database to version 4.11. These instructions apply if you are updating from any security.manager version starting from 4.4.0 up to 4.11.1.

The existing database schema used by this product as well as its tables and data can still be used. The schema, however, needs to be updated as described in the following.

Updating Prerequisites

  • A database user with grants to create tables and indexes

  • A database client to run an SQL script

  • Access to the SQL migration script available in [UNPACK_FOLDER]/security.manager/software/sql/upgrade/4.4-4.11

Update Database Schema

An update from a version prior to 4.11.0 requires the creation of a new table and an index for that table.

  1. Stop Tomcat running security.manager

  2. As a database user with according grants, run the script [UNPACK_FOLDER]/security.manager/software/sql/upgrade/4.4-4.11/[DBMS]-schema-changes.sql as appropriate to your actual DBMS type.

  3. Check if the table and index was created in the schema that contains the other security.manager tables.

  4. Start Tomcat



New Features and Improvements


Don’t log policy decision details at INFO level


Ensure that all users have accepted the terms of use (XML Interface only)


Delete own user account (XML Interface)

Fixed Issues


Cannot use definition queries with annotation layers


User can gain administrative access


FeatureServer types templates are not filtered for attribute obligations