Email templates

The email self-registration templates are located at [INSTALL_FOLDER]/webapp/administration/WEB-INF/classes/registration. The following files are available:


Template for message content of the activation email in English.

Template for message content of the activation email in German.


Template for the message subject line of the activation email in English.

Template for the message subject line of the activation email in German.

The email templates use Velocity technology. For details, see the Velocity User Guide .

If a template is required in another language, it needs to be compiled, using the following names:

  • userMailActivationSubject.vm.[language code name] for the subject line

  • userMailActivationBody.vm.[language code name] for the message content.

The language code name must comply with the W3C standard abbreviations for languages, as used in web browsers.

To adjust the activation link provided inside of the mail template it is necessary to edit the property usermgr.selfregistration.activation.baseurl. For details, see Self-Registration. The variable ${activationUrl} is contained in the preceding mentioned template file. It contains the configured URL.

Further information can be found in the templates themselves. Additional descriptions can be requested from con terra support .