Portal Integration

This section describes all properties relevant for the integration of security.manager with Esri Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online.


URL of a Portal instance or an ArcGIS Online Organization. If specified, security.manager provides a service interface to convert a Portal token into a security.manager domain cookie. The URL is used by security.manager to verify the Portal token and determine the according user username. For further information about the Portal integration option, see Single sign-on with Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online.

Examples: https://portal.myorg.com/arcgis, https://myorg.arcgis.com

Do not use https://www.arcgis.com as a URL. This could probably allow access to security.manager by users of other organizations.

Since 4.8.0


When security.manager is operating in "hybrid" mode, this parameters specifies the domain configuration used to match Portal user accounts to security.manager user accounts. For an explanation of the "domain" concept, see Hybrid user management.

Examples: ad.myorg.com, db.conterra.de

Since 4.8.0


Comma-separated list of security.manager usernames not accepted when matching Portal user accounts to security.manager user accounts. This is a security measurement to prevent from unprivileged Portal users getting administrative access to security.manager.

Example: smadmin,Administrator

Since 4.8.0