Gateway Service Interface

To integrate protected services in a user’s own applications, it might be useful to generate temporary gateways via the web service interface of the securityGateway. This lets you enable individual applications or portals that are otherwise incapable of integrating Java functions to load protected services for users logged in to the application. The web service interface of the securityGateway can generate a temporary gateway using a HTTP(S) GET/POST request, returning the URL of the gateway in an XML document.

All request parameters must be URL-encoded.

Request Parameter Required/ Optional Description



URL of the WSS to be used by this gateway



The Base64-encoded SAML Response Document as obtained by the WAS



Name of the gateway; the name is appended to the general URL of the securityGateway web application; if this parameter does not exist, a UUID is generated by the securityGateway.



IP address of the computer that is permitted to use the gateway. If the parameter is left out or if it contains an empty value, access is not restricted.

The request is sent to the securityGateway using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type, either via HTTP GET separated from the securityGateway URL by a ?, or as part of the HTTP Body via HTTP POST. The Service Interface is available at http(s)://[HOST]/gateway/

Example HTTP POST request with the ticket shown shortened
POST /gateway/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0-beta1
Host: bairiki:9090
Content-Length: 5221
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The response to such a request is an XML document containing status information about the processing of the request and, if successful, the URL of the gateway created.

Example response (successful)
<SSOLoginResponse status="ok">http://bairiki:9090/securityGateway/gateto/myGate</SSOLoginResponse>
Example response (unsuccessful)
<SSOLoginResponse status="failed">InvalidFormat</SSOLoginResponse>