
The user interfaces of the individual applications are multilingual and are set by the browser locale. They remain active for the current session. Language packs are provided for English and German. English is set as the default and is selected every time when there is no language pack available for the selected browser locale.

It is possible to define additional language packs and register them in the applications. Therefore, a file with the according key values for the actual language must be created. It is important to follow a convention in terms of the filename. Filenames must include the supported locale and possibly the code, for example securityAdminResources_fr_BE.properties for French (Belgium).

These properties files contain Key value pairs. The keys are fixed, but the values have to be translated to the appropriate language.

rule.defaultvalues.description = Description

Properties files must be ISO 8859-1 encoded. Any special characters need to be registered as a Unicode escape sequences. Example: ä matches \u00e4 or ß matches \u00df. The following is a complete list of all files to be created for each application:

Administration Web App

  • agsAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • copyrightAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • downloadServiceAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • genericAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • securityAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • singleinquiryAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • spatialauthzAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • viewServiceAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • wcsAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • wfsAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • wfstAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

  • wmsAdminResources_Locale_Code.properties

The files have to be stored at [INSTALL_FOLDER]/webapp/administration/WEB-INF/classes.

Sample files can be found in the library ct-security-administrator-base-<VERSION>.jar.

Gateway Web App


The files have to be stored at [INSTALL_FOLDER]/webapp/gateway/WEB-INF/classes. Sample files are also available there.