Release Notes 4.2

What’s New

map.apps 4.2.0 offers alternative means to develop custom extensions: Developers can use Vue.js for widget development. This framework allows matching of in- and output-elements directly with data objects by defining a data-binding. Additionally Vuetify.js provides an extensive component framework to simplify widget development by using predefined UI components. Furthermore map.apps 4.2 has been updated to work with ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4. New features like searching on ArcGIS Server data sources, content control with Map Flow and basemap toggler, printing and support for Web Map Services (WMS) has been added.

Update Notes

With bundle package 4.2.0 bundle basemaptoggler has been renamed to basemapswitcher.


Line 4 Bundles

  • Esri ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4

  • Dojo 1.12.2

  • dgrid 1.1.0

  • dstore 1.1.1

  • xstyle 0.3.2

  • put-selector 0.3.6

  • Moment.js 2.18.1

  • Vue.js 2.4.1

  • Vuetify.js 0.15.0-beta.5

  • babel-polyfill 6.22.0

Line 3 Bundles

  • Esri ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.21

  • Dojo 1.12.2

  • dgrid 0.3.17

  • xstyle 0.3.2

  • put-selector 0.3.6

  • dstore 1.1.1

  • Moment.js 2.18.1