The Intern Test Framework

The Intern test framework ( is the test framework of map.apps and of the dojo framework.


To integrate the Intern framework in a map.apps maven project two different maven dependencies can be used:

The dependency ct-jsrt-test-intern contains the default version of Intern which requires a modern browser and has no support for Internet Explorer 8.

Maven Intern

The dependency ct-jsrt-test-intern-geezer contains a special build of Intern with support for Internet Explorer 8.

Maven intern-geezer
In the following all URLs where Intern is used has to be replaced by intern-geezer if intern-geezer is used as dependency

Check the Installation

Which version of Intern is available can be tested by:

A self test can be started by:

Write a Test

For full documentation about how to write a unit test, see the Intern website . In the following, only a small sample is shown.

The following project structure is assumed:

    +-helloworld          // bundle folder
          manifest.json   // bundle descriptor
          hello.js        // file to test
        \-tests           // tests folder to put tests into
              hello.js    // test for the hello.js file

The contents of the manifest.json can look like:

    "Bundle-SymbolicName": "helloworld",
    "Bundle-Version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"

The hello.js can be as simple as:

define([], function () {
    return {
        sayHello: function (msg) {
            if (!msg) {
                return "Hello!";
            return "Hello " + msg + "!";

The test file in tests/hello.js can look like:

    "intern!object", // the Intern object notation is used in this test
    "intern/chai!assert", // the chai assertion library is used in this test
    "module", // module gives a descriptor of this js file
    "../hello"  // imports the file to test
], function (registerSuite, assert, md, hello) {
        // the name of the test suite is called like the file, this is a map.apps convention
        // a test is a simple method, it can use a very descriptive name to make clear what is the expected result of the test
        // a test should be focused on exactly on requirement
        "test that sayHello without a message produces no whitespace between prefix and '!'": function () {
            assert.equal(hello.sayHello(), "Hello!", "expected no space between 'Hello' and '!'");
        "test that sayHello with a message produces whitespace between prefix and the parameter": function () {
            assert.equal(hello.sayHello("First Test"), "Hello First Test!");

Run Tests

The base URL to run tests is the runner.html:

The preceding sample can be started using this URL:

Detailed messages about which tests are executed are available in the browsers JavaScript console.

Execute Multiple Tests

To execute multiple test at once over multiple packages/bundles a special test package/bundle is required which fetches all tests to execute.

The package is required to get a stable package name for the runner.html.

Test package structure
    +-all-tests           // package folder
           package.json    // package descriptor
           all.js          // file which lists the tests to execute

The contents of the package.json can look like:

    "name": "all-tests"

The all.js has following structure:

], 1);

The execution is exactly like described in the run tests section: