Release Notes 4.1

What’s New

map.apps 4 contains two map.apps bundle packages: map.apps 4.1.0-PIONEER and map.apps 3.8.0.

Discontinued Features

The following features are discontinued with this release:



Line 4 Bundles

  • Esri ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.2

  • Dojo 1.11.2

  • dgrid 1.1.0

  • dstore 1.1.1

  • xstyle 0.3.2

  • put-selector 0.3.6

  • Moment.js 2.15.2

Line 3 Bundles

  • Esri ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.19

  • Dojo 1.11.2

  • dgrid 0.3.17

  • xstyle 0.3.2

  • put-selector 0.3.6

  • dstore 1.1.1

  • Moment.js 2.15.2