Installation of product extensions

Installation of bundles

Extensions are installed in map.apps Manager. The corresponding bundles (JAR or zip file) are uploaded in the bundles menu. After installation, the bundles are available for use in apps.

Pay attention to the installation instructions of the respective extension. In some cases it is necessary to install additional server components.
If an extension requires the bundles of map.apps line 3, it is necessary to install the map.apps line 3 bundles manually. The installation is described in section Installation of map.apps line 3 bundles.

Configuration of map.apps Manager

Some product extensions can be integrated in map.apps Manager. These have to be registered after the installation in the configuration. The following configuration options are available:

Property Description


A comma-separated list of bundle names that are loaded in map.apps Manager. All product extension names need to be added. Management bundles provided by map.apps are:


App and app-template management


Report-template management


Bundle management


Checks if new bundle versions are available.

Default value is appmanagement, reportmanagement, bundlemanagement, bundleupdatechecker.


The tool ID of the initial active tab. Default value is appmanagement_appListTool.

Compatibility mode map.apps Manager 3.x

If a product extension is not yet compatible with current version of map.apps Manager, map.apps offers a compatibility mode for those extensions. The following configuration options are available:




Activates the compatibility mode of map.apps Manager if value is set to true. A new tab is available that integrates map.apps Manager 3.x. Alternatively, the Manager 3.x can be accessed with the URL /manager/3.x/.


A comma-separated list of bundle names that are loaded in map.apps Manager. All product extension names need to be added. Some bundles are available for both map.apps 3.x and 4.x. If so, make sure that you specify the appropriate version. This ensures that the correct management bundle is loaded and version conflicts are prevented. Sample: sdi_appstatusmanagerintegration@^3.2.0


The tool ID of the initially active tab.

The compatibility mode requires the installation of the map.apps line 3 bundles, which is described in section Installation of map.apps line 3 bundles.

Deinstallation of extensions

To uninstall an extension the bundles added in map.apps Manager have to be deleted. Go to the tab "Bundles" in map.apps Manager and enter the product name of the extension into the filter. Select and delete all bundles.

Pay attention to the installation instructions of the respective extension. In some cases it might be necessary to uninstall additional server components.