The Mocha Test Framework

The Mocha test framework ( is the default test framework for map.apps. It replaces the deprecated Intern test library.


To integrate the Mocha framework in map.apps, the following dependencies have to be added to the package.json file:

"@conterra/mapapps-mocha-runner": "^1.0.0",
"chai": "^4.3.4",
"mocha": "^9.0.0"

Afterwards, npm install has to be performed.

Write a Test

For full documentation on how to write a unit test, see the Mocha website . In the following, only a small sample is shown.

The following project structure is assumed:

    +-helloworld          // bundle folder
          manifest.json   // bundle descriptor
          hello.js        // file to test
        \-tests           // tests folder to put tests into
              hello.js    // test for the hello.js file

The contents of the manifest.json file can look like:

    "name": "helloworld",
    "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"

The hello.js can be as simple as:

export function sayHello(msg){
    if (!msg) {
        return "Hello!";
    return "Hello " + msg + "!";

The test file in tests/hello.js can look like:

import { assert } from "chai";
import md from "module";
import { sayHello } from "../hello.js"

describe(, function() {
    it("test that sayHello without a message produces no whitespace between prefix and '!'", function() {
        assert.equal(sayHello(), "Hello!", "expected no space between 'Hello' and '!'");
        "test that sayHello with a message produces whitespace between prefix and the parameter", function() {
        assert.equal(sayHello("First Test"), "Hello First Test!");

Execute Multiple Tests

To execute multiple tests across multiple packages/bundles at once, a special test bundle is required, which fetches all tests to be executed.

The mapapps-4-developers project already comes with such a bundle. Its name is sample_tests.
Test package structure
    +-all-tests             // package folder
           manifest.json    // package descriptor
           all.js           // file which lists the tests to execute

The contents of the manifest.json file can look like:

    "name": "all-tests"

The all.js has following structure:

import "helloworld/tests/hello",
import "otherpackage/tests/nameoftest"

The execution works exactly as described in the "Run Tests" section: