Functionality matrix

This page contains a list of all functions of the standard product map.apps and the product extensions . The functions marked as "DevNet" are available free of charge via the con terra Developer Network. Additional functions can be added as a result of the modular concept.



Function map.apps Extension

Control elements via keyboard

Close and move windows via keyboard

Read out operating controls, content and statuses from screen readers

Appropriate contrast for font colors and backgrounds (in the standard layout)

Allow switch to higher contrast color scheme


Function map.apps Extension

Explanation of data usage in cookies or browser memory

Integration of imprint and privacy policy (display in each app, central management across all apps)



Function map.apps Extension

Different layouts to choose from (themes)

Integration of custom logos (with linking)

Layout change at runtime while using an app

Use of WebFonts to display icons

Adaptation of the layout automatically depending on the user device or screen size (Responsive Design)

Use of Esri Icon Font (Calcite theme)

Use of Google Material Icons

Use of Font Awesome Icons


Multilanguage support

Function map.apps Extension

Entire interface available in German and English

Adoption of browser language setting

Language switcher to change the language while using an app

Launching apps in specific languages via URL parameters

Adding additional languages as language-packages (reusable in all apps)

Mobile device support

Function map.apps Extension

Usability on all common mobile devices, operating systems and browsers by using HTML and JavaScript (cross-device and cross-platform capability)

Automatic adaptation of the layout to the respective user device

Use of 3D content on mobile devices

Optimized display of tools and widgets on mobile devices

Creation of stand-alone apps that can be published as hybrid apps in app stores



Function map.apps Extension

Display of 2D maps

Display of 3D scenes

Supported map services and content

Function map.apps Extension

ArcGIS Building Scene Layer (3D)

ArcGIS Elevation Layer

ArcGIS Feature Layer

ArcGIS Feature Layer (hosted)

ArcGIS Feature Layer Views

ArcGIS Feature Layer time-aware

ArcGIS Group Layer

ArcGIS Imagery Layer (Image Service)

ArcGIS Imagery Tile Layer (Tiled Image Service)

ArcGIS Integrated Mesh Scene Layer (3D)

ArcGIS Map Service (MapServer, dynamic or cached)

ArcGIS Point Cloud Scene Layer (3D)

ArcGIS Stream Layer

ArcGIS Scene Layer (3D)

ArcGIS Vector Tile Layer

Bing Maps

CSV Layer

GeoJSON Layer

GeoRSS Layer

INSPIRE View Services


KML Layer

OGC API - Features

OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) (WFS 2.0.0 with GeoJSON Output format)

OGC Web Map Service (WMS)

OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

Open Street Map


Display elements

Function map.apps Extension


Scale bar

Mouse pointer coordinate

Copyright information for loaded services

Coordinate reference systems

Function map.apps Extension

Support for projected and geographic coordinate systems

Definition of the coordinate system with well-known ID (WKID) or definition string (WKT)

Display of the current coordinate reference system

Change of coordinate reference system while using an app


Extended capabilities of map display

Function map.apps Extension

Dynamic labeling of features

Dynamic display (rendering) of the map (different symbolization or coloring, for example heat maps, dot-density maps, sizes, colors depending on attributes)

Selection of different SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) for WMS display


Highlighting of objects in popups for map services and feature layers

Clustering of features (grouping of many objects that are located close to each other)


Spiderfying (spreading out features when there are multiple objects in the same position)



Function map.apps Extension

Zooming, panning and rotating the map with mouse, keyboard or touch gestures

Navigation tools

Jump to previous and next map view

Restricting navigation in the map to scale limits, zoom levels or map section

Rotating 2D maps

Selecting scale from selection list (for tiled maps) or entering scale (for dynamic maps)


"World wrap-around" (continuous moving of the map over the dateline)

Control base maps

Function map.apps Extension

Control of the selected base map via Table of Content (TOC)

Switch between preconfigured basemaps incl. optional display of preview images

Fast switching between two basemaps through Switch button on map (Basemap Switcher)

Combining multiple map services to one base map

Time travel by crossfading different base maps


Crossfading of two base maps


Control thematic maps

Function map.apps Extension

Map content control in the form of a Table of Content (TOC)

Hierarchical display of nested content

Context menu with advanced actions for each map content (depending on service type)

Zoom to extent of a map content

Activate/deactivate all contents of an entry

Show description of a map content

Show description with own HTML (e.g. links to further information) of a map content


Show copyright notice of a map content

Change visibility (transparency) of a map content

Show legend of each map layer

Open legend of a specific map content


Show capabilities of a map content


Changing the display order


Tabular display of all objects of a map content


Customize renderer of layers during runtime


Extensibility of the context menu by individual actions

Hints and explanations for map contents not displayed (e.g. due to scale restrictions)

Hiding individual layers from map content controls

Preconfigured expansion of entries when starting the app

Query information

Function map.apps Extension

Object query (popup/feature info) when clicking into the map (see popups)

Select objects and display attribute information in tabular form (see Spatial selection)

Save map state

Function map.apps Extension

Save/Load current map state (activated map contents, center coordinate, zoom level, added services, spatial reference system, drawings)


Save and load personal map states after login or as guest


Central management of saved map states by persons with administration rights


360-degree footage of streets

Function map.apps Extension

Integration of Cyclomedia Street Smart


Integration of data from other third-party providers as an individual extension

3D scenes


function map.apps extension

Display of 3D scenes

"Edge rendering" to highlight the edges of 3D objects

Projection of 2D map layers onto a 3D terrain model

Extrusion of 2D map layers based on a selected attribute

3D functions

Function map.apps Extension

Measure distances and areas

Save snapshot of a scene as image


Simulate shadows cast with date and time


Slice through 3D objects


Show elevation profile along a drawn line (terrain and building heights)


Line of sight analysis


Tools and functions


Function map.apps Extension

Free grouping and placement of tools in toolbars

Prepared toolbars (drawer menu that slides sideways over the map; question dialog as drop-down menu "What do you want to do?")

Rules to automatically show/hide or enable/disable tools (depending on access permissions, current layout, maps turned on, or map scale)

Query Builder

Function map.apps Extension

Complex attributive search for objects using fields and operators


Provide preconfigured queries ("Show all stations with a temperature above 20° C" or similar)


Create your own queries while using an app


Using spatial constraints for queries



Function map.apps Extension

Print map (server-side via ArcGIS Server Print Task)

Use print templates

Assigning a title

Use of different page formats

Use of different print resolutions (DPI)

Keep map scale when printing

Selecting map scale for printing

Include legend in print

Output formats: PDF, PNG32, PNG8, JPG, GIF, EPS, SVG, SVGZ

Hide layout templates and file formats

Display print frame in map (configurable)


Set default values for file format, layout template and resolution (DPI)


Specify DPI values available for selection and display with labels (e.g. "High resolution" instead of 300 DPI)


Hide selection for print resolution (DPI) and the advanced options


Save simple snapshot of a map or scene as image


Intro, welcome, disclaimer, help

Function map.apps Extension

Interactive tutorial when starting an app


Disclaimer at the start of an app, which must be accepted to close the window


Welcome window at app startup (with option to hide at next startup)


Display of preconfigured information in windows (for example copyright information, imprint, embedded HTML pages)

Export map content

Function map.apps Extension

Select data spatially or attribute-wise and export to any file-based target data format


Export data from Result Center or integrated data sources like services or databases


Add map content

Function map.apps Extension

Add services while using an app (select from predefined list or enter URL)


Upload local files and visualize objects in Result Center and map (transfer of geometry and attribute data; dynamic definition of visualization of objects)


Spatial filtering of uploaded data to the current map section (optional)


Upload of multiple files in different formats or data structures


Analysis process as upstream quality assurance for data upload



Function map.apps Extension

Query coordinates by clicking in the map

Coordinate formats selectable

Coordinate formats customizable

Search for coordinates

Simultaneous display of multiple coordinate formats

Supported formats: WGS 84 (lat/lon, decimal degrees or pseudo-mercator), ETRS89/UTM, Gauss Krueger, MGRS, DD, DDM, DMS

Extensibility for additional formats


Function map.apps Extension

Dynamic display of legend content for active map content

Optional display of legend content for base maps


Function map.apps Extension

Measure distances and areas

Units of measurement selectable

Display perimeter of areas

Display elevation profile along a drawn line



Function map.apps Extension


Switch to initial view

Align map or scene to north

Switch between 2D and 3D view

Switch to previous or next map section

Spatial selection

Function map.apps Extension

Selection of objects of a layer via point, rectangle or polygon selection in map

Selection of objects via perimeter selection in the map (set point, define inner and outer radius), area selection or existing drawings


Simultaneous selection in multiple map layers

Layer-specific selection tools

Option to select whether existing results are to be replaced or merged

Highlighting of selected objects in the map

Tabular display of attributes of selected objects (organized by layers in case of multiple selections)

Spatial bookmarks

Function map.apps Extension

Save different map sections as spatial bookmarks


Preconfigure spatial bookmarks


Location localization

Function map.apps Extension

Displaying own location using geolocation API (GPS, Wifi, IP address)

Tracking of location (regularly updating the display of location)

Configuration of the localization interval

Connection of additional location providers

Sharing an app (parameterized request)

Function map.apps Extension

Create parameterized link to app with transfer of activated map contents (incl. layer transparency, center coordinate, zoom level and language)

Permanently updated display of the parameterized link in the browser address bar (optional)

Sharing an app with native sharing mechanisms of the respective end device (W3C Web Share API specification)

Overview map

Function map.apps Extension

Display current map section in smaller window for orientation


Full screen mode

Function map.apps Extension

Show whole app in fullscreen mode


Hide UI elements and show only the map in fullscreen mode



Function map.apps Extension

Create points, lines, areas, circles, rectangles, freehand polygons (redlining)

Edit drawing elements: Select, rotate, move drawings; move and delete support points

Delete all or individual drawing elements

Display dimensions (area, distance, angle, etc.) while drawing

Place text on the map


Place arrows on the map


Customize styles (e.g. colors, line and fill patterns, line width)


Construct drawings (specify radius, edge lengths, angles)


Display dimensions of drawings


Labeling of points with coordinates


Control time dependent content

Function map.apps Extension

Slider for displaying temporal progressions in map (timeslider)


Selection of start and end time to display data of a certain period



Function map.apps Extension

Central text input field for search

Search during text input

Simultaneous search on different search topics with grouped display of results

Display of the total number of results found per search topic

Map is centered on the search result and zoomed to the geometry of the object (areas, lines) or a predefined scale (points, optional for areas and lines)

Automatic popup opening for the search result

Search sources and topics

Function map.apps Extension

ArcGIS Geocoding Service (World Geocoding Service or views on it, e.g. limited to a country or a map section)

ArcGIS Custom Geocoding Locator on own data

ArcGIS Map Service Layer (MapServer/…​)

ArcGIS Feature Layer (FeatureServer/…​)

Simultaneous search across multiple layers

Smart Search

Automatic use of visible layers for search

ArcGIS Web Maps

ArcGIS Web Scenes

Address Search Service of Esri Switzerland AG (LocationFinder)


BKG address and location search


CSV layer

Coordinate Search (selection of different coordinate systems)

GeoJSON layer

OGC API - Features

OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) (WFS 2.0.0 with GeoJSON output format)

what3words search and determination with click in map


Function map.apps Extension

Simultaneous search on any number of ArcGIS Server services, layers and attributes

Smart Search

Dynamically generated suggestion lists with names and categories of hits

Smart Search

Fuzzy logic (fuzzy search, error correction, phrase search, …​)

Smart Search

High performance by searching on an index

Smart Search

Independence from original search data through index-based approach

Smart Search

Automatic updating via periodically executed index jobs

Smart Search

Filter options for the realization of special subject searches

Smart Search

function map.apps extension

Multi-level search on multiple attributes of a map layer (e.g. parcel search: district > parcel > property)


Display and process data


Function map.apps Extension

Popup to display information about an object

Default popup to display table with all attributes of an object and file attachments (system fields, e.g. ObjectID can be hidden)

Individual display of content per map layer or search topic with free combination of the following elements:

  • Tabular display of selected attributes

  • Freely definable HTML display with use of placeholders for attributes

  • Display of file attachments

  • Preview for file attachments of type image

  • Display of photos and diagrams

Hiding of empty fields for individual features

Use of ArcGIS Arcade

Display of subtypes and coded values

Display of related tables / related records

Highlighting the associated map object

Docking the popup at the edge of the screen

Reuse popup definition for any number of map layers


Use of so-called actions (e.g. "Zoom to the object")

Action to maximize the popup


Interfaces for programming of own content and actions


Function map.apps Extension

Show information about map objects without clicking on individual objects (hover over map)

Individual display of content per map layer with free combination of the following elements:

  • Tabular representation of selected attributes.

  • Freely definable HTML display with use of placeholders for attributes

  • Display of file attachments

  • Preview for file attachments of type image

  • Display of photos and diagrams

Use of ArcGIS Arcade

Display of subtypes and coded values

Highlighting the associated map object

Docking the Maptip window at the edge of the screen

Result Center

Function map.apps Extension

Central, tabular tool (Result Center) for displaying and managing result sets (for example, from spatial selection)

Format the display of field contents globally or per field per layer ( for example, number of decimal places, thousands separator, date format)

Create fields with ArcGIS Arcade

Result list sortable by individual attributes

Filter for reduction of results

Results are highlighted in map and on mouse-over in Result Center the object is highlighted in the map

Select multiple rows to generate a report (Jasper Reports) on the entries, export the entries as a CSV file or remove entries from the result set

Row action: Zoom to the object

Row action: Open popup for this object

Row action: Remove object from the results

Row action: Edit object (for editable layers)

Bulk action: Zoom to selected objects

Bulk action: Remove objects from the results

Bulk action: Download data of the selected objects as a CSV file

Defined interfaces to extend the Result Center with bulk or row actions (functions that are applied to multiple or single entries)

Export of data

Function map.apps Extension

Export of the content from the Result Center as a CSV file

Export spatially or attribute selected data to any file-based target data format


Export of data from Result Center or integrated data sources such as services or databases


Synchronous or asynchronous download (notification by e-mail)


Reports (Reporting)

Function map.apps Extension

Creation of complex reports on content from the Result Center

Use of report templates (JasperReports) including map(s) and tabular views

Creation and customization of report templates through freely available third-party software (Jaspersoft Studio)

Linking to additional information from third-party systems


Function map.apps Extension

Display charts in popups

Display one or more charts related to data from one or more ArcGIS map services or feature layers in a sidebar


Database import

Function map.apps Extension

Import local, file-based data in different formats into existing data storage (database or file system)


Restricting the spatial section to the current map section


Database export

Function map.apps Extension

Export data from any data store (database or file system) and store it locally


Definition of the target data format and the target coordinate system


Definition of the spatial section (rectangle, polygon) for export on the map


Synchronous or asynchronous download (notification by e-mail)


Streaming web services

Function map.apps Extension

Visualization of defined services and data sources by streaming the data at runtime


Definition of filter rules at runtime


Definition of aggregation rules or data specific analysis


Restriction of the spatial section to the current map section


Further use of data via download of geodata and database import


Editing map content

Function map.apps Extension

Add, edit and delete objects in ArcGIS Server feature layers

Use of ArcGIS feature templates to create new objects, incl. text filter to quickly find the appropriate template

Automatic creation of input masks for attribute editing, incl. consideration of field types and allowed values

Individual adaptation of input masks for attribute editing (selection of displayed attributes, order and grouping)

Editing of coded values

Optional tracking of editor and edit time

Scaling, rotating and editing objects

Editing file attachments

Editing objects in 3D scenes

Editing of related tables / related records

Disable moving of existing objects (allow editing of vertices only)


Advanced Editing

Comprehensive snapping functionality for consistent and error-free geometry capture

Advanced Editing

Takeover and intersection of existing geometries of other layers

Advanced Editing

Object-defining buffer functionality (create buffers inside or outside)

Advanced Editing

Segment creation using length and angle functions

Advanced Editing

Split or union objects (for lines and polygon features)

Advanced Editing

API for integrating the editing tools into own implementations

Advanced Editing

Integration in websites

Integration API

Function map.apps Extension

Embedding an app in another web page

Perform actions in the app that are triggered from the surrounding web page (zoom on a geometry, highlight an object)

Extending the API with custom functions

Disabling map control via mouse wheel and touch gestures

Parameterized call

Function map.apps Extension

Parameterized call of an app with transfer of active base maps and layers, layer transparency, center coordinate, zoom level and language

Start of a search by a parameterized call (for example …​/?q=Domplatz%201 for an address search)

Permanent parameter update in the browser address bar (optional)

Restrict map control

Function map.apps Extension

Disable zooming by mouse wheel or moving the map with a finger (to scroll in the surrounding web page instead)

Integration into the ArcGIS Platform

ArcGIS identities

Function map.apps Extension

OAuth-based login with ArcGIS Identities

SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO) between map.apps and ArcGIS Online / ArcGIS Enterprise Portal (Enterprise Login)

Display of name, contact data and profile photo

Securing apps or functions via roles

Access to map.apps Manager via roles

Content usage

Function map.apps Extension

Use of web maps, including display of legend, popups and graphics

Searching for web maps at runtime and loading them into the app

Use of web scenes

Controlling web scenes via slides (Scene slides)

Searching for web scenes at runtime and loading them into the app

App registration

Function map.apps Extension

Registration of map.apps Apps as elements in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise-Portal via dialog in map.apps Manager

Share map.apps Apps via sharing settings in ArcGIS Enterprise-Portal

Offer map.apps apps in ArcGIS Marketplace

Security and authentication

Identity provider

Function map.apps Extension

Integrated accesses with different access rights to use map.apps Manager

authentication via ArcGIS Enterprise Portal

authentication via ArcGIS Online

authentication via Keycloak

authentication via security.manager - Enterprise Edition

Access protection

Function map.apps Extension

Protection against anonymous access to apps that are not shared

Sharing apps and tools for specific roles

Use secured services

Function map.apps Extension

Using services secured with ArcGIS Enterprise

Use services secured with security.manager

Using non-public services from ArcGIS Enterprise Portal or ArcGIS Online

Using services secured with HTTP-Basic Authentication



Function map.apps Extension

Central web interface for managing apps, app templates, function modules (bundles), report templates and extensions

Update notification for map.apps, extensions and community bundles


Function map.apps Extension

App creation wizard

Use of app-templates for efficient app creation

Release workflow for apps

Access to all configuration and app files

Configuration of an app via an extensive App editor (incl. syntax check, examples and suggestions)

Export of existing apps as template for new apps

Sharing of apps as ZIP file

Specifying versions of used product bundles for one or more apps at a time

Export apps for standalone operation or as preparation for native app creation (incl. all required resources)

Register apps as elements in ArcGIS Enterprise Portal or ArcGIS Online

Function modules (bundles)

Function map.apps Extension

Central administration of function modules (bundles), which can be referenced in any number of apps. Bundles are not copied, which means that replacing a bundle directly updates all apps that use that bundle.

domain-bundles for using centrally managed entities (for example maps, search, popups) in any number of apps

Integrated download of bundles from the con terra Developer Network


Function map.apps Extension

Extendable by own functionalities (modular bundle concept)

Console integrable into app for checking bundles, services, components and log messages at runtime

Sharing of own functional bundles as ZIP file

No legal restriction when passing on own developments

Free, personal development licenses

Use of TypeScript to enable secure and easy development against defined interfaces

Use of free development environments (for example Visual Studio Code)

Example project to get started with development

Development documentation and code samples


Function map.apps Extension

Creation of individual solutions for end devices that do not have a permanent network connection

  • Raster data: Taking and displaying large amounts of data.

  • Vector data: Drag along, display, editing and search

In order to suitably cover the respective requirements, various build and distribution paths, as well as strategies for the distribution and synchronization of apps and data can be used.

Community, Support, Training


Function map.apps Extension

con terra Portal with access to blog, forum and downloads

Many more features and examples open source in GitHub


Function map.apps Extension

Standard support

Service package "Support Plus"




Function map.apps Extension

Trainings for administration and development

fee required

fee required