
Analytics (4.1.0)



Create new Dashboard based on questions an Analyst wants to answer



Verify correct log4j2 configuration for monitor-analytics webapp



check http referrer before accepting client usage data for storage


Replace log4j.xml usage of ${catalina.home} with ${catalina.base}


Change Labelling of Analytics and Monitoring tabs in Manager integration


Provide analytics integration for sec.man 4.5, 4.6, 4.6.1


Change number of envelopes for creating HeatMap


Provide a better logstash/elasticsearch configuration strucuture to support directory configuration loading


Display a more explanatory text in widgets of type Pie Chart, Column Chart and Table Chart

Monitoring (4.1.0)



SampleRequest do not work for UMN Mapserver OGC services


Calculation for aggregated data is wrong when job is running with capacity > 1


Prevent jobs from showing being active/passive and not equally being reflected in Quartz execution


Hostgroups do not display correctly for services from other users of the same group



Provide information about ServiceException Text for failed OGC WMS Requests


Switch UI documentation link from internal pdf to link to con terra developer network


Do not display "Immediate job execution" button in dashboard if job is not active for monitoring


Replace log4j.xml usage of ${catalina.home} with ${catalina.base}