Supported GI Services and Access Control Functions

The architecture of  has been designed to provide general protection for any type of service. This is ensured by a modular implementation based on such elements as an interceptor, management interface and policy definition. In its current distribution, already incorporates the modules required for a wide variety of services.

OGC Web Mapping Services / INSPIRE View Service

  • Protected services that are compliant to WMS specifications 1.0, 1.1 and 1.3 (HTTP POST and GET profile).

  • Protection can be provided for entire services, individual layers or functions, or any combination thereof. It is possible to assign a restricted validity period to policies.

  • Spatial authorization allows for the restriction of visibility to certain map sections. This makes it possible to allow one user to visualise a property in community A and to request the associated attribute data, while another user might only be permitted to do so within the territory of community B.

  • User-specific copyright notices can be incorporated into maps, in either text or graphic form.

OGC Web Feature Services / INSPIRE Feature Download Service

  • Protected services that are compliant with WFS specifications 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 (HTTP POST profile).

  • Protection can be provided for entire services, individual feature types, functions, or any combination thereof. It is possible to assign a restricted validity period to policies.

  • Spatial authorization allows for the restriction of visibility to certain map sections.

  • Filter expressions limit access to certain features by attribute-based rules (not supported for WFS 2.0)

OGC Web Feature Services – Transactional

  • Protects services that are compliant with WFS-T specifications 1.0 (HTTP POST and GET profile).

  • Protection can be provided for entire services, individual feature types, functions, or any combination thereof. It is possible to assign a restricted validity period to policies.

  • Spatial authorization is not available for WFS-T.

OGC Web Coverage Services

  • Protects services that are compliant with WCS specifications 1.0, 1.1 or 1.1.1.

  • Protection can be provided for entire services, individual coverages, or functions, or any combination thereof. It is possible to assign a restricted validity period to policies.

  • Spatial authorization is not available for WCS.

ArcGIS Server Services

  • For protecting ArcGIS Server SOAP and REST services

  • Protection can be provided for access to all service types supported by ArcGIS (Catalog, Geocode , Geodata, Globe, Map, KML, Mobile and Network Analysis Server, FeatureServer, SearchServer and ImageServer). Fine-grained security is available for the following services:

    • MapServer: Maps, layers and tables as well as spatial authorization for layers, copyright notices, attribute based authorization with definition queries, and hiding of single fields

    • FeatureServer: Layers and tables as well as attribute based authorization with Definition Queries, and hiding of single fields

    • GeoprocessingServer: Tools

  • Folders can also be protected using the Catalog Server component of ArcGIS Server.

Generic URL protection

  • Protection of any online resources (HTTP GET and HTTP POST).

  • Access to any service types or internet pages can be protected.

  • Protection given to a base URL and optional sub-URLs.

  • Possible to use wildcards when defining sub-URLs.

Additional service types and functions

As a result of ongoing project activities, additional support for new services is constantly being implemented, or the capabilities of services supported with this distribution expanded or modified. Contact us, if you have any questions or requests in this context.