System Requirements


  • OpenJDK/OpenJRE 11

  • Oracle JDK/JRE 11

Application Server

  • Apache Tomcat 9.0

Operating System

  • Windows

  • Linux

security.manager is a Java-based application and runs on any supported operating system if the JDK/JRE requirements are met.

The OpenJDK 11 and Oracle JDK 11 do not bundle specific Font libraries anymore. For Linux based operating systems it is necessary to provide them separately. Depending on the distribution, they may be installed as follows:

  • Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install libfreetype6 fontconfig fonts-dejavu

  • RHEL/CentOS/Fedora: yum install freetype fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts

  • Alpine (often used with Docker): apk add freetype fontconfig ttf-dejavu


  • Oracle Database 18c*, 19c

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017*, 2019

  • PostgreSQL 11*, 12

LDAP (optional)

  • Any LDAP system that meets the v2 or v3 specifications

  • Microsoft Active Directory Server (ADS) without restriction


The latest stable version of the following browsers is supported:

  • Google Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Safari

  • Internet Explorer 11

    Microsoft recommends using Microsoft Edge instead of Internet Explorer 11.

SMTP Server (optional)

  • No restrictions

WFS (optional)

Required to use spatial authorization. The WFS must provide the geometry data (area geometries), to be used for the spatial authorization.

  • Version 1.1.0

General Hints
  • Versions marked with * might be replaced in one of the next releases in favor of a newer one.

  • In case you have platforms other than those listed preceding, contact con terra support .

Further requirements

The following conditions must be satisfied for both operation and installation:


The web server that is in use must support access via HTTPS; this generally requires an SSL certificate.

Support for UTF-8

The servlet engine (or web server) must support UTF-8 encoding for URIs.

Memory Settings

Depending on the servlet engine used, the memory allocation might need to be increased. The following values are recommended on 64 bit Systems:

  • -Xms256m – minimum memory allocated by the JVM (256 MByte)

  • -Xmx1024m – maximum memory allocated by the JVM (1024 MByte)
    This value is for guidance only. Increase this value in accordance with the available hardware if a high load is expected and there are many services requiring protection.

Parameters have to be added in the same way as with proxy parameter settings.

Database Permissions

A database, in which users and rights are stored, must be created on one of the supported DBMS, and be available for installation. This database must be accessible by the web server via JDBC at runtime (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT).