Database Connection

Common Parameters


Sets the mode to be used to connect to the database

  • jdbc: Every web application maintains its own connections ("direct connection")

  • jndi (recommended): All web applications use shared connections provided by the Tomcat container via JNDI ("container-managed").


Vendor-specific type of the database system used. This is used internally to generate correct and optimized database queries. Allowed values are sqlserver (Microsoft SQL Server), postgresql (PostgreSQL), and oracle (Oracle).

The JNDI name with which the database can be queried by the container. This setting normally has the value java:comp/env/jdbc/secman.


Switches the automatic table generation on or off. Permitted values are validate, update and an empty string. Set this parameter to an empty string in productive environments.

Parameters for "direct connection"

The following parameters are only used, when db.use=jdbc is set.


The URL of the JDBC database connection. Its value depends on the database system in use. Example:

  • jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/secman (PostgreSQL)

  • jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DATABASENAME=secman (Microsoft SQL Server)

  • jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE (Oracle)


Username of the person using the database.


Password of the person using the database.


Maximum number of active database connections in the deployed connection pool.