Functional overview

The main focus of SDI Extension for map.apps — so-called map.apps SDI — is to provide and integrate additional SDI related functionality to map.apps. The map.apps portfolio is extended by map.apps SDI with the following functions:

  • Adding services dynamically via URL or favorite list

  • Extends the map.apps TOC
    map.apps SDI provides the following further tools and functions:

    • Show capabilities for WMS and WMTS

    • Reorder services and layers — if supported by the GIS server

    • Switch styles (SLDs) of WMS layers — if supported by the service

    • Show additional warnings for wrong extent or spatial reference system

    • Show legends of all layers of a service in a separate window

  • Save, load and share a map composition (map state)

  • Change spatial reference system on-the-fly

  • Scale changer via predefined scales

  • Show service copyright information (custom or service-provided)

You can find the bundle configuration details in the README.MD files for each bundle or at http://<mapapps>/resources/jsregistry/root. More information is provided in Bundle configuration.