Load Service
The Load Service bundle enables to load more services to your map composition.
Load services out of the favorites list or enter a URL ('Manual').
Or with map.apps SDI >= 5.1:
add the serviceURL
parameter to your map.apps app URL and add the service to your app that way (e.g. http://localhost/mapapps/resources/apps/sdi_demo/index.html?lang=de&serviceURL=https://www.wms.nrw.de/geobasis/wms_nw_alkis).
After that the user has the opportunity to select which layers should be loaded.
The favorites list contains a list of predefined services which should make it easier for inexpert users. The most interesting and useful services should be provided here.

The manual loading of further services is a tool for experts who know services and their URLs. The service address (URL) has to be inserted.

The following services types are supported:
ArcGIS Server Feature Server
ArcGIS Server Map Server
ArcGIS Image Server
Web Map Service (WMS)
Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
INSPIRE View Service
After loading the service you have the option to select and deselect e.g. specific layers only.
Configuration for services with HTTP basic authentication:
Since version 5.1.1 there is the possibility to change the order of layers "Toggle order" before loading.

ArcGIS Server feature service can be loaded in two different ways (with map.apps SDI >= 5.1):
The whole service as group using the URL of the service (e.g. https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/RedlandsEmergencyVehicles/FeatureServer)
Each layer separately with the URL referencing the layer (e.g. https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/RedlandsEmergencyVehicles/FeatureServer/2)

The order of layers can be toggled before loading the layers (with map.apps SDI >= 5.1), but not all servers support requests with a different order of layers. Since that after toggling the order of the layers, the result in the map can differ from the order in the toc.
⇒ Toogle order ⇒
The loaded services and layers are added to the tree map control to the My Services node and can be removed there too.