App Status Manager Integration
This function is provided by the sdi_appstatemanagerintegration
The bundle provides a widget which is integrated in the map.apps Manager. The integrated widget is only available for admin users (not editors).
An admin user can see, update or delete every application state - independent of app and restricted visibility.
To use this bundle the map.apps
For using app status manager integration for map.apps SDI apps based on map.apps line 3 and line 4 at the same time the map.apps SDI version 5.0.1 or higher is needed.
Necessary changes in

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Managing ArcGIS Portal app states as administrator
Private or group-protected app states created with ArcGIS Portal authentication are not shown in the map.apps Manager app states list. This is because map.apps Manager app does not support ArcGIS Portal authentication and therefore cannot display those app states.
To get over this problem, map.apps SDI comes with an app called sdi_savestate-manager-portal-auth
that provides the same functionality as the regular app state managing tools in map.apps Manager.